Very Important Update

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GB, author of iNMR

Aug 19, 2014, 4:42:51 AM8/19/14
Version 5.3.9 has been released today.

For Windows Users
This version is a lot better than the older ones. Ten new functions have been added and _many_ errors have been corrected. Now the two versions can do the same things, with an exception: the Mac version can be interfaced with Spotlight, QuickLook and Open Babel, while the Windows version can't. Apart from this, there is no substantial difference. The upgrade is free and easy. Not doing it would be insane.
The download link is:

For Mac Users
If your current version is something between 5.0.0 and 5.3.7, than the new version is free and will offer you, at the very least:
- More accurate calculation of diffusion coefficients from DOSY experiments.
- More accurate calculation of relaxation times.
- Improved drawing of 2-D peak-pickings.
- Improved drawing of 2-D assignments.
- Increased compatibility with the Windows version: the same scripts can be used on both platforms and you can insert pictures that are visible on both platforms.
- More overall stability because a few errors have been corrected.
The download link is:

If you have an old license (valid for a version between 1 and 4), you can upgrade by paying a fee online. The link to the store is:$N/$N/9:10:11:12/1?addText=225

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