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GB, author of iNMR

Sep 8, 2014, 3:45:43 AM9/8/14
There are many kinds of pseudo-2D experiments: relaxation recovery, kinetic measurements, DOSY, etc... What they have in common is that they have 2 dimensions but they only require a single (simple) FT. The true 2-D experiments require 2 FT instead.

iNMR can tell if a matrix is pseudo 2-D by looking at the nucleus of the f-1 axis. If the nucleus is "0-..", iNMR skips the second FT. While the user is now free to open the dialog "Edit > Metadata" and change the nucleus, the starting idea was different. The program itself was responsible to detect automatically if a matrix was pseudo- or true 2D.

The recipe iNMR has been following up to now, in the case of Bruker files, is:

1) read the pulseprogram, after the instruction "go=2"
2) it's a true 2D if you find any of the following words: id0, in0, ip0, iu0, rd0, rp0, dd0
3) it's pseudo if you find the words ivc or ivd

I don't know if this realy worked 9 years ago, when iNMR was written. Apparently it did.
It's no wonder that the software of Avance instruments has evolved in the meanwhile. It seems that the recipe presently fails with kinetic experiments and DOSY.

I wonder if somebody knows a better way to detect an arrayed experiment.
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