Is there a good Gazebo simulation of InMoov?

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Ruben Alves

Jul 24, 2017, 8:24:19 PM7/24/17
to InMoov

Hi guys,

I'm looking for a Gazebo model of InMoov.

Do you know if it exists?

I found two repositories, but after clone the them, they are not working (if I tried with the right way)
1 - (This one, I was able to load it with RViz but not in Gazebo)
2 - (This one also loads well in RViz, but it's not complete on Gazebo)

I'd like to start with InMoov with simulation, and them, after make sure I control every part of the robot with code, I could print it.

Any of you have a Gazebo model of the robot? 

Alan Timm

Jul 24, 2017, 9:00:47 PM7/24/17
to InMoov
Hey Ruben!

This is Alan (with alansrobotlab).  I'm sure you already know this, but RViz is for robot visualization, while Gazebo is for physics-based simulation.

I wrote enough of the robot model in urdf to support rviz and to support the MoveIt! inverse kinematics solvers.
So you can use the ROS components available in my github to work on your code as is.  I'm not sure of the added benefit of Gazebo simulation, as InMoov currently does not have position or force feedback.
I'm working with a few others on the the urdf/moveit configuration, hopefully we'll have something ready soon.

As far as I know, no-one's written an InMoov URDF model for Gazebo (yet) and I haven't really looked into what I need to add in order to be Gazebo-ready?

Can you share what you're working on that needs Gazebo integration over RViz?  Maybe that will inspire me to finish the model.  :-) 
If you have any questions, you can get ahold of me here, through my github, or through my facebook page.



Ruben Alves

Jul 25, 2017, 10:59:22 PM7/25/17
to InMoov
Hi Alan.

Thank you for your answer.

The benefit of a Gazebo Simulation in my case is because it's cheaper (I don't have to buy a 3D Printer or pay someone else to print it)

With a simulation there is no problem if the robot fall down, for example.

To make a URDF work with gazebo, among other things, we would need to add <inertia>, know the mass of every <link>, etc.
More information can be found on the Gazebo Model Tutorials:

I'm not working on a specific project. I'd like to have the Gazebo model of InMoov because Gazebo is the "default" simulator provided by ROS and InMoov is OpenSource, so, after make sure I can control every part of the robot through simulation I could later print my own.

By the way, any of you know how much would cost to print the model (without the legs is ok)?

Alan Timm

Jul 28, 2017, 11:46:10 PM7/28/17
to InMoov
Hey Ruben,

I'll take a look this weekend and see if I can add in the <inertia> and <mass> tags for each link.  

As far as the printing costs go, I'd say it's about (the cost of a printer + 12 kilogram spools of filament) for printing the parts out on your own.

Alan Timm

Jul 30, 2017, 12:40:08 PM7/30/17
to InMoov
Hey Ruben,

I've pushed an update to allow you to use the inmoov model in gazebo.  

This should allow you to use the model in physics based simulations.

I added in a basic launchfile to get you started.

"roslaunch inmoov_description gazebo.launch" should get you started.

I'll take a look later on today to see what I need to add to support the kinect and the eye cameras in simulation.

I haven't work much with gazebo yet, so please let me know if there's anything wrong/missing/weird.

Ruben Alves

Jul 30, 2017, 4:05:19 PM7/30/17
to InMoov

Thank you VERY MUCH, Alan.

You're the best!

The simulation was loaded in Gazebo perfectly!!!

Now I can work with InMoov without having to print one until I can control it without breaking it.

This will certainly help much more people that want to learn more about InMoov.

Again, thank you very much.

miriam hani

Apr 5, 2021, 5:22:35 PM4/5/21
to InMoov
Can you please re-send the simulation files on Gazebo as I can't open it?
I used this one for simulation but I faced some problems with inertia and masses.
I want to open it on Gazebo, then apply inverse kinematics.

Alvino Lima

Jul 1, 2024, 3:52:26 PMJul 1
to InMoov
hi, could you allow me to use the inmoov model in gazebo ?  im work on inmoov and i need to simulate it on gazebo
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