JawPiston Alignment Issue

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Christopher Elledge

Nov 20, 2016, 5:13:48 PM11/20/16
to InMoov
I have just finished the assembly of my InMoov's head. I ran into a few problems (I had reversed the eyes) but still have one issue to solve and some related questions. The JawPiston that moves the mouth and jaw mechanism is not aligned with the HK15298 Servo that is mounted directly above it. The servo gear can still get a grip on the plastic turntables mating teeth but it still is an Issue I need to fix. Is this how the servo should be mounted, and if not what could be the cause of the issue I am having? I guess I could modify the Jawsupport files and place the last hole a tiny bit further to better align the JawPiston but if someone has a better solution please let me know.

Another question I had is related to the mounting of the jaw to the servo. The instructions say:
Set your servo at 0° with the arduino board. Keeping the 1cm offset, “JawHinge” should be mounted at a 90° angle compared to the servo.
When I then attach the jaw to the two "pegs" that secure the Jawsupport pieces on each side, how wide should the mouth be open? Should it be closed, opened all the way, or at some other position?

linuxrodo Rodolfo

Nov 21, 2016, 12:04:30 AM11/21/16
to InMoov

I Have the same problem than you, but i was busy solving another issue (filing jawhinge and jawpiston  to make both fit better.) I was thinking of break the last hole of "jawsupport" as solution to aligned "jawsupport" with "jawhinge" to make  "jawpiston"  straight, but i think that we must wait a little help here of other users.

Bob H

Nov 21, 2016, 2:00:46 PM11/21/16
to InMoov
It looks like the SkullServoFixV1 is too far back. I don't know how that would be possible but maybe check and make sure all that you have assembled is done correctly.

Christopher Elledge

Nov 21, 2016, 5:40:39 PM11/21/16
to InMoov
I just took the time to take everything apart and put the head back together, this time paying attention to the part placement and spacing issues. It seemed to fix the alignment somewhat, and I don't think it's really an issue that I should worry about anymore. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Christopher Elledge

Nov 22, 2016, 5:17:30 PM11/22/16
to InMoov

I continued tweaking things and playing around with assembling things in different orders to see if it affected the overall build. I think I am satisfied with the head and how it looks (the mouth now closes all the way) and will go ahead and start the rest of the body. Here are some photos of my InMoov head in its current state:

gael langevin

Nov 23, 2016, 5:06:23 AM11/23/16
to Christopher Elledge, InMoov
Very well done!
Thanks for posting these pictures, you should share them on the InMoov site community.

Gael Langevin
Creator of InMoov
InMoov Robot

2016-11-22 23:17 GMT+01:00 Christopher Elledge <chrisj...@gmail.com>:

I continued tweaking things and playing around with assembling things in different orders to see if it affected the overall build. I think I am satisfied with the head and how it looks (the mouth now closes all the way) and will go ahead and start the rest of the body. Here are some photos of my InMoov head in its current state:

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Enrique Huerta

Nov 23, 2016, 7:23:02 PM11/23/16
to InMoov
I had the same problem and I have put 2 nots of m5 at the left, this align the servo and the thread, do you think this solves the problem?

gael langevin

Nov 24, 2016, 4:11:03 AM11/24/16
to Enrique Huerta, InMoov
Very strange,
I really wonder what is the part that you have placed a bit miss aligned for to get this result.
The nut option will do the job, but there is something else that is a bit wrong. Anyway, as long as it finally works...

Gael Langevin
Creator of InMoov
InMoov Robot

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