Hi friends,
I've got a new crossword coming out this week - be sure to subscribe at *** avxword.com *** to get it this Wednesday!
By the way, this email list here is the one that used to be for Ink Well puzzles, back when that feature was a thing. It's now mostly to announce when I have a new crossword at the American Values Club, or when the avcx has a special deal. If you're already an avcx subscriber and don't need such extra announcements, you can simply unsubscribe from this list via Google Groups. You'll still get your avcx puzzles every week as long as your subscription is active.
If you're not ready to subscribe to the avcx for some reason, but you want periodic (~once a month) announcements about discounts and free puzzles and such, sign up for the avcx news list at avxword.com/newslist
Ok thanks!