Informe Semanal (Abril 2 - 9)

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Apr 9, 2016, 7:44:17 AM4/9/16
Cómo reforzar la temática de género en procesos de innovación tecnológica agrícola para la seguridad alimentaria?
El documento ofrece recomendaciones basadas en experiencias concretas del proyecto IssAndes. Así mismo incluye adaptaciones al enfoque de “Vías de impacto” como alternativa para abordar transversalmente la temática de género a lo largo del ciclo de proyectos.

Descubren un marcador molecular del calcio en la papa
Investigadores estadounidenses de la USDA-ARS y la Universidad de Winsconsin-Madison encontraron una papa silvestre con siete veces más calcio que las papas que acostumbramos a ver en los supermercados.

Congreso español de papa tratará fraude de etiquetado en grandes superficies
Expertos, científicos e investigadores analizarán temas de especial importancia para el sector de la patata en el IV Congreso de Patata Nueva de España, que se desarrollará el 8 de abril en San José de la Rinconada (Sevilla), en los que destaca el fraude o publicidad engañosa en la identificación y etiquetado de la patata nueva en las grandes superficies y cadenas de distribución.

Dutch company @TolsmaGrisnich to launch a new common website soon
The Dutch company Tolsma-Grisnich is currently building a new website which fuses the two brands under one roof. The new website will be a customer orientated platform, giving as much information about products and storage advice as possible.

Mejoramiento genético de papa criolla recibe apoyo internacional 
El proyecto ‘Ampliación de la producción de papas amarillas más nutritivas en Colombia’, liderado por investigadores de las universidades Nacional y McGill (Canadá), recibirá un millón y medio de dólares para investigación en seguridad alimentaria mundial.

Assessing the impact of Cooperation-88 potatoes in China 
Potatoes came to China in the early 1600s but were not a major crop until the 1980s. By 1993, China became the world’s largest potato producer, and in 2014, it produced 96 million metric tons – twice as much as India, the second largest producing country. This significant growth in potato production highlights how important potatoes have become in China. This importance is driven by income growth and rapid changes in consumer demand.

First field observation In Uganda shows extreme resistance to late blight by GM potato  
In Uganda, about 300,000 smallholder households grow potatoes for their subsistence living and for income. Loss due to late blight can be up to 60% in Uganda forcing farmers to spray fungicides often up to 15 times to protect their crops. This represents between 10-25% of their revenue from potato. Recently, a new population of the pathogen is sweeping through Uganda that appears to be more difficult for farmers to manage. Hence, the pressure on farmers to grow resistant varieties is escalating.

International Potato Center Leads Initiative to Understand how Climate Change Affects Pests
The Paris Agreement of December 2015 heralds a greater global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change, yet farmers around the world are already dealing with the consequences of a warming atmosphere. While more frequent droughts and floods are causing widespread crop damage, the greatest threat to farmers from global warming may be the growing abundance and expanding distribution of crop pests and diseases.

Reinforcing gender lens in research on value chains and technology adoption
The CGIAR Research Programs on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) and on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB) have been collaborating on reinforcing the gender focus in research on value chains development and technology adoption for a few years now. In this post, our colleagues from the International Potato Center (CIP) share some recent updates on this work from Uganda and Latin America and Caribbean región.

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