1997 Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
July 24-25, 1997
The last few years have seen an explosive growth of multimedia computing,
communication and applications. This revolution is transforming the way
people live, work, and interact with each other, and is impacting the way
businesses, government services, education, entertainment, and health care
are operating. It is safe to say that the multimedia revolution is underway.
Yet, several issues related to modeling, specification, analysis and design
of distributed multimedia systems and applications are still challenging to
both researchers and practitioners.
The purpose of this workshop is to serve as a forum for the exchange of
ideas among practicing engineers and researchers from around the world, as
well as highlight current activities and important topics in the field of
distributed multimedia systems and technology. The paper session is designed
to promote discussion of concepts, methodologies, and results between the
authors and the audience, and provide for a degree of collegiality and
continuity in the discussions of these various topics among the
participants. In addition, tutorials will be held on June 25 and 26 to
provide participants with the opportunity to interact with experts in
various fields of distributed multimedia systems.
The workshop organizers seek contributions of high quality papers, panels or
tutorials, addressing various aspects of distributed multimedia systems and
applications, for presentation at the conference and publication in the
workshop proceedings. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
[*] Distributed Multimedia Databases and Computing
[*] Multi-paradigmatic Information Retrieval
[*] Modeling and Analysis of Distributed multimedia systems
[*] OS Support for Distributed Multimedia systems
[*] Multimedia Communications and Networking
[*] Multimedia Digital Libraries and Mail Systems
[*] Multimedia Human-Computer Interaction
[*] Visual and Multidimensional Languages for multimedia applications
[*] Multimedia Workflows
[*] Multimedia Stream Synchronization
[*] Virtual Reality, Virtual Environment, and their Applications
The use of prototypes and demonstration video for presentations is
Workshop Site:
The workshop will be held at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Canaca. Special arrangement will be made with local hotels for a limited
number of rooms at the special workshop rate.
Information for Authors:
Submit four copies of panel or tutorial proposals or manuscripts (maximum of
20 double-spaced pages) including abstract, keywords and complete
information of a contact person to one of the following program co-chairs:
Professor Taieb Znati
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
Tel: +1 412-624-8417
Fax: +1 412-624-8854
Email: zn...@cs.pitt.edu
Professor An-Chi Liu
Dean, College of Engineering
Fong-Chia University
Tai-Chung, Taiwan
Tel: +886-4-252-7110
Fax: +886-4-323-9903
Email: l...@fcusqnt.fcu.edu.tw
Papers, tutorials and panels can also be directly deposited by anonymous ftp
at ftp.cs.pitt.edu:/pub/DMS97/Paper-Deposit. Submitted files must be in
PostScript format with all figures and tables included.
Important Dates:
* January 15, 1996: Paper\Proposal submission deadline
* March 15, 1997: Notification of acceptance
* April 15, 1997: Final manuscript due
Sponsored by:
* Knowledge Systems Institute, USA
* University of British Columbia, Canada
* University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Fong-Chia University, Taiwan
Workshop Co-Chairs:
* Son T. Vuong, University of British Columbia, Canada
* S. K. Chang, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
* Taieb Znati Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA
* An-Chi Liu Fong-Chia University, Taiwan
Local Arrangement Chair:
* Panos Nasiopoulos University of British Columbia, Canada
Program Committee:
* Hong-Mei Chen Univ. of Hawaii, USA
* Wen-Tsuen Chen National Tsing Hua University
* Yanghee Choi Seoul National University
* Jean-Pierre Courtiat Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, France
* Gerald Neufeld University of British Columbia
* Dieu D. Phan National Program on Information Technology, Vietnam
* Anindya Datta University of Arizona, Tucson AZ
* David H. C. Du Univ. of Minnesota, USA
* Nicolas D. Georganas Depart. of Elec. and Comp. Eng., Univ. of Ottawa
* Norm Hutchinson University of British Columbia BC
* William Grosky Wayne State Univ., USA
* Venkat N. Gudivada University of Missouri-Rolla
* Arding Hsu Siemens Corporate Research, USA
* Oscar Ibarra Univ. of Cal., Santa Barbara, USA
* Stephen Y. Itoga University of Hawaii
* Paul Lin CCL, Taiwan
* Tom D.C. Little<\b> University of Boston , USA
* Ralph Martinez ECE, Radiology, & Pathology Dept. Univ. of Arizona
* J. Mizusawa NTT Multi-media Network Laboratories
* Ming-Chien Shan Hewlett Packard Labs
* Olivia R. Liu Sheng HKUST, Hong Kong
* Jaideep Srivastava Univ. of Minnesota, USA
* Kazuo Sugihara Univ. of Hawaii, USA
* Joseph E. Urban Arizona State Univ., USA
* Chun-Chia Wang Tamkang University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
* Don-Lin Yang Feng Chia University, Taichung, Taiwan
For additional information, please send mail to zn...@cs.pitt.edu or
l...@fcusqnt.fcu.edu.tw. Updated conference announcement and information are
accessible by anonymous ftp at ftp.cs.pitt.edu:/pub/DMS97 or by directly
accessing the conference home page at http://www.cs.pitt.edu/DMS97.