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Infidelis Maximus

Jun 19, 2007, 4:13:38 AM6/19/07

Another outrage: Antioch College to close

When you hear me complain about all the waste on and by religion, the money spent on monstrosities like this and this and this that should instead be going toward making the world a better place, here’s

Scriptural Basis for the Inquisition

Most modern-day Christians would tell you that the Inquisition (there was actually more than one, but I’ll come back to that later) and the practice of torturing heretics was a perversion of scripture. The Bible, they say, does not…

The Never-ending Saga

My interview with Acharya S resulted in a torrent of controversy on numerous sites that I wasn’t expecting. One such place was TheologyWeb, a site that appears to be a bastion of right-wing, conservative Christianity of the evangelical variety. I came across the thread where they were discussing my interview and roundly bashing Acharya. One…

Impress your friends! Play like the pros!

USC’s game innovation lab has just released The Redistricting Game, which allows you to play politics like the big boys and steal elections like the pros in Washington, D.C. and state capitals around the country. I’ve been outraged by this…

Secret Verses: Thou…madest all their loins to be at a stand

The King James Version (also known as the Authorized Version) has a number of questionable renderings, especially in the New Testament, which is based on the infamous Textus Receptus. The Old Testament…





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