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The Inferno way to do a few X-11-type customizations

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Feb 23, 2022, 2:25:48 PM2/23/22
So, I've been using Acme under emu to do Inferno development, but the wm
is begining to get on my nerves... which has me wondering about "the
Inferno way" to do certain UI customizations, such as:

(1) Specifying the on-screen location of a graphical application when
it starts. Under X-11, that's usually done with something like the
"-geometry" argument. Is there any function like that (maybe in
wm(1))? I've modified lib/wmsetup to start the programs I want
when emu starts-up, but I still have to keep rearranging their
placement manually.

(2) Is there a way to set the background bitmap of the display? The
drab gray is starting to wear on me. On X-11, I would use
something like "xsetroot" or ImageMagick's "display -window root".
Inferno's wm/view doesn't appear to offer any options for
specifying the window used to display the image.

(Yes, I realize that I could write short limbo programs to perform both
of these functions, but wanted to ask if there's already a preferred
"Inferno" way to do these things.)


Feb 24, 2022, 7:00:11 AM2/24/22
to inferno-os
On Wednesday 23 February, clasp126 wrote:
So, I've been using Acme under emu to do Inferno development, but the wm
is begining to get on my nerves... which has me wondering about "the
Inferno way" to do certain UI customizations, such as:

(1) Specifying the on-screen location of a graphical application when
it starts. Under X-11, that's usually done with something like the
"-geometry" argument. Is there any function like that (maybe in
wm(1))? I've modified lib/wmsetup to start the programs I want
when emu starts-up, but I still have to keep rearranging their
placement manually.
I haven't seen anything that does this automatically. Perhaps a solution that
sends commands to the wm could be used?

(2) Is there a way to set the background bitmap of the display? The
drab gray is starting to wear on me. On X-11, I would use
something like "xsetroot" or ImageMagick's "display -window root".
Inferno's wm/view doesn't appear to offer any options for
specifying the window used to display the image.

Just reading wm.b, I don't think there's a command for doing this, but perhaps
one could be added to it.
I also skimmed to see if there was a lab that covered any
of these things, but didn't find anything obvious.


Feb 26, 2022, 1:51:43 AM2/26/22
to inferno-os
"" <> writes:

>> drab gray is starting to wear on me. On X-11, I would use
>> something like "xsetroot" or ImageMagick's "display -window root".
>> Inferno's wm/view doesn't appear to offer any options for
>> specifying the window used to display the image.
> Just reading wm.b, I don't think there's a command for doing this, but
> perhaps
> one could be added to it.

To be clear, I was referring to /appl/wm/view.b, not /appl/wm/wm.b. It
shouldn't be too hard to provide a command-line option which causes
wm/view to draw its image on context.display.image instead of (as it
currently does) drawing the image in a new top-level window.
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