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Induction Tutorial - Absolute paths

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petr kobalicek

Feb 23, 2010, 4:49:30 PM2/23/10
to Induction Framework
Hi devs,

When I started to trying Induction I read all tutorials on website.
Then I noticed that all classloader paths are absolute. I'm running on
Linux and I'm currently deploying using tomcat.


I just removed this when I started experimenting with Induction, but
it didn't worked. Then I added the path where netbeans deploys
the .war archive and it started working. I also needed to change the
URL from helloworld1 to helloworld. I'm wondering why there is such
number '1'.

So question is, is there a way how to make these paths relative to
current context? How this is solved in production?

- Petr


Feb 23, 2010, 5:58:40 PM2/23/10
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:49 PM, petr kobalicek <> wrote:
Hi devs,

When I started to trying Induction I read all tutorials on website.
Then I noticed that all classloader paths are absolute. I'm running on
Linux and I'm currently deploying using tomcat.


I just removed this when I started experimenting with Induction, but
it didn't worked. Then I added the path where netbeans deploys
the .war archive and it started working.

You only need to use the <java-class-path> if you need Induction to dynamically reload the classes in absolute_path. I only use the <java-class-path> section during development. For production deployment I omit it and Induction directly uses what ever classloader servlet container provides.

Your question about relative paths is great one, Induction will let you put relative paths, but I have not determined what it will be relative to! Since it is servlet container and OS dependent. So if it not too much trouble I would use absolute path for development, since you can remove it for deployment.

I also needed to change the
URL from helloworld1 to helloworld. I'm wondering why there is such
number '1'.

So the '1' is from the '1'  in the classname for HelloWorld1Controller. If the class is named HelloWorldController then it would be just helloworld

So question is, is there a way how to make these paths relative to
current context? How this is solved in production?

Yes so in production, as above, just make a .war file and in the induction-<yourapp>.xml just omit the <java-class-path> section. Other paths in Induction such as the template file can be made relative, for example as shown in the sample config XML <template-path> section.


Acciente, LLC
Systems Architecture and Software Design
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