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Nov 25, 2009, 3:41:10 AM11/25/09
to Induction Framework
Induction is clearly a great improvement in Web development, but for
use-it in our news development we need some functionality like
datagrid pagination as we are using in Oracle ADF, any possibility or

David Nia

Nov 26, 2009, 4:28:55 PM11/26/09
I am not exactly sure what datagird pagination is, but it seems any sort of pagination would be better implemented by the higher-level application using Induction.  Pagination seems a bit too high-level for something like Induction to implement.

david n.


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Nov 27, 2009, 4:28:57 PM11/27/09
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:41 AM, lchiner <> wrote:

Thanks for your positive feedback. Pagination as you point out is an important aspect of an application, I think it is best handled in an application specific way. When dealing with large result sets, to be efficient, the pagination mechanism needs to be aware of the architecture of your application.

Pagination of large data sets has considerations from your view layer all the way to your backend-application to your data store. So I suggest that you consider this as part of you application architecture. If you are writing a frontend to a legacy application you could writing consider facade model classes that support retrieving indexed partitions of the results, which can then be used by the view classes to do pagination.

If your backend datastore is Oracle, Oracle has some great support for paginated results sets using the ROWNUM column. Here is  nice article about it:

Hope this helps.


Acciente, LLC
Systems Architecture and Software Design


Nov 30, 2009, 2:27:39 AM11/30/09
to Induction Framework
Thanks for your reply, absolutely agree with you that pagination is
outside of the scope of the framework, what we need in our
developments is the possibility to use a very good framework like
Induction but also the possibility to use some JSF components like
RichFaces MyFaces or ADF for presentation, any suggestion?

Here an example of the components we are using in our developments
with JSF


On Nov 27, 10:28 pm, Adinath <> wrote:


Dec 1, 2009, 9:00:56 AM12/1/09
Imho, InductionFramework is a web MVC framework that is supposed to be different when compared against component-based framework like ADF ( JSF ), ASP NET classic. The view itself, mostly just contain HTML markups which are supported by CSS, Javascript and inline server side script tags (to render generated value from server side to some parts in the page). However, it is still possible to have a MVC Powered Web Applications for rendering Data with Paging support. Example : You write a service that will return a number of desired records based on certain posted parameters like current pagination index, range of pagination indexes that user can navigate to, and other parameters that specific to the data itself. Later on, you will pass the retrieved data from Controller to View. The view itself will render a series of HTML tags , could be Table, TR, TD  for presenting the data in a table like control and then finally render the pagination index on a series of link buttons or anchors. Yep, sounds manual , but it is somewhat gives more decent loading performance when compared against Component-based framework. There would be no additional tags, garbage rendered on the page to support the placed components ( viewstates in ASP .NET, or extra HTML tags that given by JSF controls) rather your view would just render pure HTML ( supported by CSS & JS) tags as you have written during design time.




Dec 2, 2009, 2:16:51 AM12/2/09
to Induction Framework
If we are considering to move to Induction is obviously to gain in
productivity, for example avoiding to dangle with a lot of XML
configuration files, I appreciate your comments but you should
understand that we can’t loose productivity, we need the components in
the view layer, they offer a lot of functionality that we don’t want
to code manually as pagination in tables or date picker for example.

On Dec 1, 3:00 pm, Billy <> wrote:
> Imho, InductionFramework is a web MVC framework that is supposed to be
> different when compared against component-based framework like ADF ( JSF ),
> ASP NET classic. The view itself, mostly just contain HTML markups which are
> supported by CSS, Javascript and inline server side script tags (to render
> generated value from server side to some parts in the page). However, it is
> still possible to have a MVC Powered Web Applications for rendering Data
> with Paging support. Example : You write a service that will return a number
> of desired records based on certain posted parameters like current
> pagination index, range of pagination indexes that user can navigate to, and
> other parameters that specific to the data itself. Later on, you will pass
> the retrieved data from Controller to View. The view itself will render a
> series of HTML tags , could be Table, TR, TD  for presenting the data in a
> table like control and then finally render the pagination index on a series
> of link buttons or anchors. Yep, sounds manual , but it is somewhat gives
> more decent loading performance when compared against Component-based
> framework. There would be no additional tags, garbage rendered on the page
> to support the placed components ( viewstates in ASP .NET, or extra HTML
> tags that given by JSF controls) rather your view would just render pure
> HTML ( supported by CSS & JS) tags as you have written during design time.
> Cheers,
> Bill
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:41 PM, lchiner <> wrote:
> > Induction is clearly a great improvement in Web development, but for
> > use-it in our news development we need some functionality like
> > datagrid pagination as we are using in Oracle ADF, any possibility or
> > suggestion?
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Induction Framework" group.
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> > .


Dec 2, 2009, 7:01:39 AM12/2/09
There is some advantages on choosing MVC web framework , over to Web Component based framework beside its application's performance. You can separate the jobs to several persons that are competent with related tasks to using MVC. Example, The jobs for designing View pages can be assigned to your web designer, while your developer can focus on developing the Business objects / services and perhaps display the data with minimimum UI ( HTML tags no server side controls). And both the designer & developers can start their works in a paralel way.The integration of their work results would give less headache both for Designer & Developer, since what the controller need to feeds to View pages should be just Data ( Wrapped in Models) and the View itself should be ready for the developer to write the inline tags/EL at. Thus, the overall team's productivity is increased and also the web rendering performance should be increased.


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Dec 4, 2009, 9:01:40 AM12/4/09
to Induction Framework
Thanks again for your reply, I think we will wait for JSF2.0, perhaps
is not perfect, but it offers many of the functionality we need in our
developments, of course I agree with you that the separations of roles
is a great concern, but in the real life things are not always ideal,
and in our case the Java programmer need to deal with the three layers
of the application (MVC) so we must use something more Visual Basic
oriented, with components and events and so on.

On Dec 2, 1:01 pm, Billy <> wrote:
> Agreed,
> There is some advantages on choosing MVC web framework , over to Web
> Component based framework beside its application's performance. You can
> separate the jobs to several persons that are competent with related tasks
> to using MVC. Example, The jobs for designing View pages can be assigned to
> your web designer, while your developer can focus on developing the Business
> objects / services and perhaps display the data with minimimum UI ( HTML
> tags no server side controls). And both the designer & developers can start
> their works in a paralel way.The integration of their work results would
> give less headache both for Designer & Developer, since what the controller
> need to feeds to View pages should be just Data ( Wrapped in Models) and the
> View itself should be ready for the developer to write the inline tags/EL
> at. Thus, the overall team's productivity is increased and also the web
> rendering performance should be increased.
> Cheers.
> > <<>


Dec 6, 2009, 4:32:10 AM12/6/09
I have just talked with some of my colleagues yesterday about things that happened within their web development team. Most people in their team are Software Engineers, none of them are expert on designing Rich Web UI and they use ASP NET MVC as their web framework. Everything went smooth until they're arrived at the point when they need to develop Views that leverage rich user experiences. They realized that they spent most of their times on constructing services or software with common User interface and lack of times on designing rich intuitive UI. In such of this case, Web Components Framework like JSFs(IceFaces, ADFs,  etc) or RIA ( Vaadin) can be a good choice for such that team ( or perhaps your team) over MVC frameworks.

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Dec 9, 2009, 10:10:21 AM12/9/09
to Induction Framework
Thanks again for your suggestion, actually we are using JSF+ADF for a
very large application, it’s work but of course as software architect
I try to found better and more productive solutions, JSF is not a bad
choice but we are still fighting with a huge volume of XML
configuration, Induction is very well designed as a framework but we
need a little bit more power on the View layer to use it in ours
projects, nevertheless I’ll make a try to Vaadin.

On Dec 6, 10:32 am, Billy <> wrote:
> Yep,
> I have just talked with some of my colleagues yesterday about things that
> happened within their web development team. Most people in their team are
> Software Engineers, none of them are expert on designing Rich Web UI and
> they use ASP NET MVC as their web framework. Everything went smooth until
> they're arrived at the point when they need to develop Views that leverage
> rich user experiences. They realized that they spent most of their times on
> constructing services or software with common User interface and lack of
> times on designing rich intuitive UI. In such of this case, Web Components
> Framework like JSFs(IceFaces, ADFs,  etc) or RIA ( Vaadin) can be a good
> choice for such that team ( or perhaps your team) over MVC frameworks.
> > > > <<>
> > <<>
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