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SASI update

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Sep 20, 2024, 9:51:05 AM9/20/24
to Individualist Movement
After a fairly hectic August and September travelling to a wedding in Dullstroom, hosting overseas guests, and testing and designing T shirt designs, invitations, certificates and member cards, I have finally started inviting known individualists and libertarians to join Sasi. So far it is going well with a decent response to the few invitations I have sent.

I did a dry run registering the 14 co-founders first, and got lots of bugs out of my systems. The process is quite labour intensive, but years in the IT industry have shown me the fallacy of over-automating fairly simple systems.

My plan is to take a gradual approach so I can correct obvious errors before too many are exposed to them. I hope to have a few dozen members by the time of the spring seminar.  Thereafter I will do some riskier marketing to less well-identified audiences. I particularly want to market SASI overseas, hence the 'South African" in the name.  All ideas gratefully accepted.

A key part of this process is intelligent discussion on important issues. That is what this and other platforms are for. If we can't change the world, lets at least inform it.
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