The left–right political spectrum is a system of classifying political positions which originated during the French Revolution based on the seating in the French National Assembly.
The “left” values social equality, diversity and inclusion while the “right” values respect, the rule of law, and individual rights. If USA politics is anything to go by, these positions are diametrically opposed and irreconcilable. Economically the left is socialist, the right capitalist. The left favours “big” government, widespread regulation, and community. The right prefers limited government, reduced regulations, and individual rights. Who is right? What is left? Which position aligns closest with individualism?
Both sides believe their approach is best for humanity. Both sides believe in the same freedoms - of the individual, of speech, of religion. Both sides deplore violence, theft, cruelty, fraud, racism. Both sides believe in the inherent goodness in human nature.
The left favours kindness and empathy, the right favours justice and duty. Nevertheless most western states flip-flop between left and right governments every 4 to 8 years, yet appear to prosper under both. What can these ideologies learn from each other?
The left favours internationalism. Internationalists believe that humans should ignore national, political, cultural, racial, or class boundaries to advance their common interests. They favour free trade, the elimination of borders, free and unfettered travel for individuals.
The right favours nationalism. Nationalists hold that the nation should be congruent with the state. It regards the individual as subordinate to the state, which is the only rightful source of political power. It is antithetical to individual rights.
Score 1 for the left
The modern progressive left has embraced equality of outcome as an alternative to equality of opportunity. Equity seeks to identify victims and ensure fairness in treatment. Equity is essentially impossible, but provides endless opportunities for well-meaning busybodies to interfere in the affairs of others.
Equality treats all individuals equally, despite their differences. It believes in equal opportunities for all on a level playing field.
Score 1 for the right.
Identity politics is based on a particular identity, such as ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, denomination, gender, sexual orientation, social background, caste, and social class.
It reached a peak under the apartheid regime in South Africa. It seeks to separate people into groups using immutable characteristics. It is a nonsense.
Individuality treats each unique individual equally, without special harm or favour. It does not make or enforce arbitrary distinctions between people. It is the polar opposite of identity politics. Unfortunately many countries still enforce identity discrimination, not least the current South African government.
Score 1 for the right.
Left-wingers claim that human development flourishes when individuals engage in cooperative, mutually respectful relations where excessive differences in status, power, and wealth are eliminated. They reject competition as aggressive and unfair. They believe in regulation of the market. They favour progressive taxation as a means to level the playing field.
Right-wingers believe that human potential flourishes with freedom and competition. They reject excessive state interference, reward differences and innovation, and believe that wealth is a measure of success. They favour minimum or zero taxation. They believe in free markets.
The economic results speak for themselves, with many leftwing jurisdictions mired in poverty.
Score 1 for the right.
The left believes in the individual’s right to their own life and lifestyle. They believe you have an inalienable right to your own life, and to your own death. You decide what goes into your body, for better or worse. Like men, women alone are responsible for their own bodies. While a foetus is a part of a woman's body, she decides how it will be handled.
The right believes that you share ownership of your body with the state, with religious authorities, with politicians, experts and fanatics. They believe they can conscript you, send you to war, decide what to inject into you, execute you, and decide the fate of a foetus still within you.
Score 1 for the left
By this analysis, the leftist positions are 40% reasonable, while the right wins at 60%. Of course it is not that simple. Hopefully this essay will give both sides some pause for thought.
I am an individualist. I consider myself above the tawdry issues of the left and right. Literally. Like the Nolan chart, libertarian/individualist values appear at the top of the chart, with left and right values in the middle, and authoritarian values at the bottom. Fundamental individualist issues such as harm and consent do not appear in the left-right calculus. The left sees the individual as a subordinate member of a community, while the right views the individual as merely a cog in a state powered machine.
Unfortunately all countries have resorted to the Platonic version of how things should be. The state is all-important, and the individual is there to serve and sacrifice for a higher purpose (the state). Altruism is their call, and it all leads to a destructive system which requires deception and force to exist.
Aristotle was able to see the flaws in Plato’s premise. His view was that the most important thing is the individual. If the individual’s rights are protected, then society’s rights are protected, which means everyone’s rights are protected.
But unfortunately Plato’s model won, because there is one thing politicians love more than anything else and that is power.
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Would the Direct Democracy system help?
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Hi All
I have a mission to get society to understand dementia better
Please read the invitation below and pass it on
We have heroes and heroines who may be sitting amongst us.
They are not your typical image of heroes and heroines.
They are normally quiet.
They will be suffering from stress.
They will normally be more tired than the rest of us.
They need your support and help.
Take time to help.
These heroes and heroines are the carers.
For any or organisations who would like a presentation to help understand dementia better and how to live with dementia, please contact, details below
There is no cost
The presentation takes about an hour There are limited spaces so it is on a first come, first accepted basis. Please reply to Whatsapp 0825712856 or
If you are not able to attend this presentation and want to at a future date, please respond and I will contact you
Please pass this on
Jim Powell
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To view this discussion, visit . There are different levels of control and accountability
From: [] On Behalf Of Stephen vJ
Sent: Saturday, 26 October 2024 02:20
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There will always be a need for administration in an urban environment. The closer we get to real democracy the simpler it gets
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I am trying to remember the country that has been taken over by companies. The problem with that is the general population does not have any control. Voting is the bedrock of democracy but little grows on a rock. Democracy will only grow when it is nurtured by the input and control of the voters. If you want pure individualism go live on an island
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The companies are omnipotent. They hold all the shares
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It is major companies that are outside the country that have taken over
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If there are property rights, then there must be some mechanism of dealing with violations of rights
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Their head office is there and they have favourable tax rates.
what countries are effectively run by companies rather than politicians
Countries where corporations exert significant influence over governance often exhibit characteristics of corporate governance or state capitalism. While no country is entirely run by companies instead of politicians, several nations have prominent corporate influence in political processes. Here are a few examples:
1. United States: The U.S. has a strong corporate lobby, with companies heavily influencing legislation through campaign contributions and lobbying efforts. This has led to debates about the impact of corporate interests on democracy.
2. Singapore: The Singaporean government operates with a model that blends public and private sectors. While it has a stable political framework, many government-linked companies (GLCs) play crucial roles in the economy, and their influence can sometimes overshadow traditional political structures.
3. United Arab Emirates: In the UAE, particularly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, corporate interests often align closely with government priorities. Many major businesses have close ties to the ruling families and play significant roles in governance and policy-making.
4. China: While China is officially a one-party state, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) dominate many sectors of the economy. The Communist Party retains political power, but corporations often act in concert with government policies, blurring the lines between business and governance.
5. Russia: The Russian government has significant control over major industries, often using oligarchs (wealthy business owners) as political allies. The state and powerful corporations frequently intersect, influencing both policy and governance.
6. Vatican City: Though not a typical example, Vatican City has been described as having corporate governance characteristics, especially in how it manages its financial and administrative affairs, with a significant influence from entities like the Vatican Bank.
These examples illustrate varying degrees of corporate influence in governance, but it's essential to note that actual political power typically remains with elected or appointed officials
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The advantage for the companies is that they have a global tax haven which they control. When I find the example again I will post. The interim is that the corporates completely control governments. A veneer of democracy which is rotten behind the facade
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Yup. It’s always the government
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In our case we have companies running to the government for protection against cheap imports and dumping of goods.
It’s invariably the case of inefficient companies seeking to continue enjoying profits at the taxpayer’s expense. So when
all companies enjoy protection the consumer has to use more of his limited resources which means his expenditure on
other goods/services is restricted.
We saw it with textiles. The local industry had to have protection so they could “save jobs”. But then we discover that they
are exporting textiles! So how is that possible without the taxpayer coughing up the difference.
Collectivists see cheap imports as a threat. When other countries flood our shores with products at zero cost it will be a dark
day indeed for the collectivists, but the rest of us will be rejoicing in the streets.
The crux of the matter is that governments cause poverty.
Sid Nothard
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Some more rotten than others. See
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