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Technology predictions for 2025

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Trevor Watkins

Jan 9, 2025, 8:34:40 AMJan 9
to Individualist Movement
I am now officially all predicted out. 
Let me know what you think, or am I right in every respect.



Current reality






Com puting

1 70% of the global economy will be made up of digital technology (WEF)

2 IoT becomes ubiquitous

3 Digital currency supersedes paper currency

4 AGI emerges, surpassing human abilities

5 Neuralink style interfaces displace traditional cell phones

6 Cryptocurrencies replace pensions, life insurance, etc

1 Adapt

1 New, non-invasive interface technologies developed (brain wave, eyeball, and gesture sensing, voice-activated smart glasses)


A nation of 4-eyed geeks randomly waving their arms develops. Cellphones become passé.
Many humans lose ability to act independently of technology.

keyboards->mice->touch sensitive screens ->Siri->ChatGPT

2 CBDCs displace existing currencies and savings 


Potential for central bank overreach

Lack of physical cash as a backup, eg war, power failure

Possibility of breaching user privacy and creating a surveillance state

Barter, gold, notes, crypto

3 Use of AI leads to decline in capacity for original thought amongst students, educators, politicians, writers


Most of THIS document’s content sourced from google

Is copying  from a machine e-plagiarism?

Who is writing original, machine-independent and successful literature?

4 Privacy becomes impossible


When your fridge monitors your eating habits, and your toilet monitors your bowel movements, privacy is past.

Cameras and microphones on your computers and phones

5. Cyber armageddon


Nuclear EMP or software equivalent occurs. All software and databases go down.  Chaos at airports, stock exchanges, banks, hospitals, etc

Obama produced movie “Leave the world behind” portrays the effect of a civilisation wide cyber failure.

Many regional failures.

2 Or die

1 Unwired part of world falls further behind intellectually and economically


Bringing the internet to the unwashed masses more important than food, healthcare or good governance

2 Unwired jurisdictions immune to AGI attack


May become Terminator-style havens of resistance to the robots

Terminator movies


1 EVs account for just 18% of all cars sold

2 Majority of  vehicles oil-fired for next 20 years

3 Flying cars remain science fiction for at least 10 years

4 FSD has potential to revolutionise vehicle market and usage

5 Drones are everywhere

1 Transport  becomes a commodity, rented as needed.

1 Full Tesla self driving available in USA before 2026


Most Tesla owners convert their vehicles to ride-sharing. 

Vehicle accident rate in USA plummets.

Demand for Tesla’s escalates

Many urban dwellers dispose of traditional vehicles

No precedent

2 Drone revolution intensifies

1 Drones replace traditional warplanes in many airforces


Ukraine, Middle east, China/Taiwan deploy weaponised drones in huge numbers

Anti-drone measures only partially effective

Recent drone invasion on US east coast a test run by China, Iran, others

Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan


1 Green revolution has failed, replaced by oil and nuclear

2 Reliable fusion systems within 20 years (sarcasm, been predicted since 1960s)

3 Battery technology is pathetic

4 Energy deficit constrains most countries and industries

5 Third world remains an energy desert

6 Energy distribution has not advanced significantly since Nikolas Tesla

1 Oil remains a vital strategic asset until 2040

1 China, Europe, Africa threatened by lack of oil.


Treaties, fomented revolutions, invasions - ie business as usual.

World Economic growth constrained by limited energy availability.

Massive exploration efforts continue.

1973, 1939

2 More focus on alternative energy distribution systems

1 Local transmitted wireless energy system, (wi-power or wipow) similar to wifi, resolves battery shortcomings


Local wipow networks setup in urban areas. 

Widespread opposition to wipow, due to supposed health risks.

Extended to road networks to power EVs.

Nikolas Tesla

3 Dismantling of wind and solar farms begins

1 Wind and solar reduced to legacy oddities, as subsidies dry up


Landscape eyesores eliminated

Productive land reclaimed

Bird and animal populations start to increase

Horses, steam, wood burning

4 World economy benefits from more reliable energy sources

5 Economic surge on back of energy revolution


Energy costs drop, inflation drops, poor benefit

Reagan, Thatcher


1 Big pharma and big agriculture currently dominate the health market

2 Advent of Trump and RFK will upend the health business

3 US and Western health stats are catastrophic

4 Covid widely regarded as a scam

5 Ivermectin recognised as ‘miracle’ drug

1 Republicans launch Covid enquiry

1 Widespread corruption found in pharma companies, CDC, NHI. Many prosecutions follow, including Fauci


Pharma share prices collapse, many pharma companies go bankrupt.

Many drugs withdrawn from market


2 Potential cures for cancer, heart disease, diabetes suppressed by pharma

2 New cheaper cancer treatments emerge


Fewer cancer deaths

Lower medical costs


3 Pharma immunity from prosecution for vaccines lifted

3 Thousands of court cases brought against pharma companies. 


Most pharma companies liquidate rather than fight cases

Shortage of medicines due to many liquidations

Pharma companies bought at fire sale prices by new market entrants

Oil companies after massive spill

4 Vaccine links to numerous conditions exposed, including autism

4 Number of vaccines dramatically reduced


Pharma profits from enforced vaccine regime reduced

Fewer childhood vaccine injuries reported

Post covid rejection of vaccines

Trevor Watkins .. cSASI - 083 44 11 721 -

Trevor Watkins

Jan 12, 2025, 2:40:18 AMJan 12
Thank you for all your comments. I can't believe that no one noticed my big mistake in failing to predict the rise of autonomous humanoid robots. I have adjusted my predictions as follows
6 10,000 Optimus robots produced in 2025, 10,000,000 by 2035 

Trevor Watkins .. cSASI - 083 44 11 721 -

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