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Kym Cruikshank

Dec 9, 2023, 10:46:41 PM12/9/23
to indigo-dev

How to Learn C Programming with Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf

C programming is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It is a powerful, versatile, and efficient language that can be used for various purposes, such as system programming, application development, game programming, embedded systems, and more. C programming is also the foundation of many other languages, such as C++, Java, Python, and PHP.

If you want to learn C programming, you may find it challenging to find good resources and books in Bangla. However, there is one book that can help you to master C programming in Bangla: Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf. This book is written by Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton, a renowned computer programmer and author. He has written several books on different programming languages in Bangla, such as Java, Python, PHP, and C#.



Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand book that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of C programming. It also provides many examples, exercises, and projects to help you practice and apply your skills. The book is divided into 14 chapters, each focusing on a different topic of C programming. Some of the topics covered in the book are:

    • Introduction to C programming
    • Data types, variables, constants, and operators
    • Control structures and loops
    • Functions and recursion
    • Arrays and strings
    • Pointers and dynamic memory allocation
    • Structures and unions
    • File handling and input/output
    • Preprocessor directives and macros
    • Enumerations and typedef
    • Bitwise operations and bit fields
    • Command line arguments and environment variables
    • Error handling and debugging
    • Graphics programming with C

    Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf is a book that can help you to learn C programming from scratch or improve your existing skills. It is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate and advanced programmers. It is also compatible with different compilers and platforms, such as GCC, Visual Studio, CodeBlocks, Dev-C++, Turbo C++, Linux, Windows, etc.

    How to download Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf?

    If you want to download Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf, you have two options: you can either download it from the internet or buy it from a bookstore. Here are the steps to do so:

      • If you want to buy the book from a bookstore, you can find it at, a popular online bookstore in Bangladesh. Go to and look for "Shobar Jonno Computer Programming Language : C". You can order the book online and pay with cash on delivery or other methods.

      However you choose to download or buy the book, make sure that you get the original copy and not a pirated or illegal version. This will ensure that you get the best quality and experience of reading the book.

      How to use Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf?

      Once you have downloaded or bought Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf

      Once you have downloaded or bought Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf, you can start reading and learning from it. Here are some tips on how to use the book:

        • To open the book, you will need a PDF reader software, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader, or Sumatra PDF. You can download and install any of these software for free from their official websites.
        • To read the book, you can use the navigation tools in the PDF reader software, such as zoom, scroll, search, bookmark, or print. You can also adjust the view settings, such as page display, full screen, or night mode.
        • To learn from the book, you should follow the chapters in order and try to understand the concepts and examples. You should also do the exercises and projects at the end of each chapter to test your knowledge and skills.
        • To practice your C programming skills, you will need a C compiler software, such as GCC, Visual Studio, CodeBlocks, Dev-C++, or Turbo C++. You can download and install any of these software for free from their official websites.

        Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf is a book that can help you to learn C programming in a fun and easy way. It is also a book that can inspire you to create your own programs and projects with C.


        C programming is a skill that can open many opportunities and possibilities for you in the field of computer science and technology. Whether you want to pursue a career as a software developer, engineer, or researcher, or you just want to learn something new and exciting, C programming is a language that you should know.

        If you are looking for a good resource and book to learn C programming in Bangla, you should check out Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf. This book is written by Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton, a renowned computer programmer and author. He has written several books on different programming languages in Bangla, such as Java, Python, PHP, and C#.

        Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand book that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of C programming. It also provides many examples, exercises, and projects to help you practice and apply your skills. The book is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate and advanced programmers. It is also compatible with different compilers and platforms, such as GCC, Visual Studio, CodeBlocks, Dev-C++, Turbo C++, Linux, Windows, etc.

        If you want to download or buy Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf

        If you want to download or buy Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf, you have two options: you can either download it from the internet or buy it from a bookstore. You can find the links and details of these options in our previous paragraphs. However, you should make sure that you get the original copy and not a pirated or illegal version. This will ensure that you get the best quality and experience of reading the book.

        Once you have downloaded or bought the book, you can start reading and learning from it. You can use any PDF reader software or C compiler software to open and use the book. You can also follow the tips and tricks that we have shared in our previous paragraphs on how to use the book effectively.

        Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf is a book that can help you to learn C programming in a fun and easy way. It is also a book that can inspire you to create your own programs and projects with C. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something useful and interesting in this book.

        How to contact Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton?

        If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions about Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf, you can contact Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton, the author of the book. He is always happy to hear from his readers and help them with their queries. Here are some ways to contact him:

          Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton is a friendly and helpful person who loves to teach and share his knowledge with others. He is also a passionate and talented programmer who has created many amazing programs and projects with different languages. He is always eager to learn new things and improve his skills.

          What are some other books by Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton?

          If you liked Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf, you may also like some other books by Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton. He has written several books on different programming languages in Bangla, such as Java, Python, PHP, and C#. Some of his books are:

            • Shobar Jonno Java: A comprehensive and easy-to-understand book on Java programming that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of Java. It also provides many examples, exercises, and projects to help you practice and apply your skills.
            • Shobar Jonno Python: A comprehensive and easy-to-understand book on Python programming that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of Python. It also provides many examples, exercises, and projects to help you practice and apply your skills.
            • Shobar Jonno PHP: A comprehensive and easy-to-understand book on PHP programming that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of PHP. It also provides many examples, exercises, and projects to help you practice and apply your skills.
            • Shobar Jonno C#: A comprehensive and easy-to-understand book on C# programming that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of C#. It also provides many examples, exercises, and projects to help you practice and apply your skills.

            You can find these books at, a popular online bookstore in Bangladesh. You can order these books online and pay with cash on delivery or other methods. You can also download these books from the internet or buy them from a bookstore.


            C programming is a skill that can open many opportunities and possibilities for you in the field of computer science and technology. Whether you want to pursue a career as a software developer, engineer, or researcher, or you just want to learn something new and exciting, C programming is a language that you should know.

            If you are looking for a good resource and book to learn C programming in Bangla, you should check out Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf. This book is written by Mohammad Kamruzzaman Niton, a renowned computer programmer and author. He has written several books on different programming languages in Bangla, such as Java, Python, PHP, and C#.

            Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand book that covers all the basic and advanced concepts of C programming. It also provides many examples, exercises, and projects to help you practice and apply your skills. The book is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate and advanced programmers. It is also compatible with different compilers and platforms, such as GCC, Visual Studio, CodeBlocks, Dev-C++, Turbo C++, Linux, Windows, etc.

            If you want to download or buy Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf, you have two options: you can either download it from the internet or buy it from a bookstore. However you choose to download or buy the book, make sure that you get the original copy and not a pirated or illegal version. This will ensure that you get the best quality and experience of reading the book.

            Once you have downloaded or bought the book, you can start reading and learning from it. You can use any PDF reader software or C compiler software to open and use the book. You can also follow the tips and tricks that we have shared in this article on how to use the book effectively.

            Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf is a book that can help you to learn C programming in a fun and easy way. It is also a book that can inspire you to create your own programs and projects with C. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something useful and interesting in this book.

            We hope this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to use Bangla C Programming Book By Niton Pdf. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below.

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