Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11

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Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11: A Comprehensive Guide to the Famous Oration

Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11 is a digital file that contains the text and commentary of one of the most famous and influential speeches in ancient history: the Oration on the Crown by Demosthenes. In this article, we will explain what this oration is about, why it is important, and how you can download and read it for free.

What is the Oration on the Crown?

The Oration on the Crown (in Greek: Περὶ Στεφάνου, Peri Stephanou) is a speech delivered by Demosthenes, the greatest orator of ancient Athens, in 330 BC. It was a defense speech against a lawsuit filed by Aeschines, a rival politician and orator, who accused Demosthenes of proposing an illegal decree to award a crown to Ctesiphon, one of his supporters.

Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11


The crown was a symbol of honor and recognition for Demosthenes' political achievements, especially his opposition to Philip II of Macedon, who had defeated Athens and its allies in the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC. Aeschines argued that Demosthenes had misled the Athenians with his false promises and speeches, and that he was responsible for their defeat and humiliation.

Demosthenes responded by defending his political career and his patriotism, and by attacking Aeschines' character and motives. He also praised Ctesiphon as a loyal and generous citizen, and justified the awarding of the crown as a lawful and deserved act. He appealed to the emotions and values of the Athenian jurors, who were also his fellow citizens, and urged them to uphold their democratic ideals and traditions.

The Oration on the Crown is considered a masterpiece of rhetoric and persuasion, as well as a historical document that reveals the political and cultural situation of Athens in the late 4th century BC. It showcases Demosthenes' skillful use of language, style, arguments, evidence, examples, metaphors, irony, humor, pathos, ethos, and logos. It also demonstrates his profound knowledge of Athenian history, law, constitution, religion, customs, and geography.

Why is the Oration on the Crown Important?

The Oration on the Crown is important for several reasons. First of all, it is a testimony of Demosthenes' life and legacy as one of the most influential figures in ancient history. He was not only a brilliant orator and politician, but also a courageous leader who fought for the freedom and dignity of Athens against the Macedonian threat. He inspired generations of speakers and statesmen with his eloquence and passion.

Secondly, it is a reflection of the values and ideals of Athenian democracy, which was one of the most remarkable achievements of ancient civilization. It shows how the Athenians valued free speech, public debate, civic participation, individual rights, collective responsibility, justice, honor, glory, and patriotism. It also shows how they faced their challenges and crises with courage and resilience.

Thirdly, it is a source of inspiration and education for modern readers who want to improve their communication skills and critical thinking abilities. It teaches us how to construct effective arguments, how to use evidence and examples, how to appeal to logic and emotions, how to anticipate and refute objections,

How to Download Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11?

If you want to download Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11 for free, you can use the link below to access a website that offers free downloads of various academic papers and books. This website is called and it is a platform where scholars and researchers can share their work and connect with each other.

After clicking on the link, you will need to create an account or log in with your existing account on Then, you will be able to view and download the file in PDF format. You can also read the file online or print it if you prefer.

Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11 contains the text and commentary of the Oration on the Crown by Demosthenes, edited by Felice Cesana. It is an anthology and a supplement that provides additional information and analysis on the historical, political, rhetorical, and literary aspects of the speech. It also includes some related papers by other scholars on topics such as corruption, democracy, oligarchy, and Socratic dialogue.

How to Read and Understand Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11?

If you want to read and understand Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11, you will need to have some background knowledge on the context and the content of the Oration on the Crown. You will also need to pay attention to the language, style, structure, arguments, and techniques of Demosthenes' speech. Here are some tips on how to read and understand Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11:

    • Before reading the speech, you should familiarize yourself with the historical and political situation of Athens in the late 4th century BC, especially the conflict with Philip II of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great. You should also learn about the main characters involved in the trial: Demosthenes, Aeschines, Ctesiphon, and their supporters and opponents.
    • While reading the speech, you should follow the logical sequence of Demosthenes' defense and counterattack. You should identify his main points, his evidence, his examples, his refutations, his appeals, and his conclusions. You should also notice how he uses rhetorical devices such as metaphors, irony, humor, pathos, ethos, and logos to persuade his audience.
    • After reading the speech, you should evaluate Demosthenes' performance and effectiveness as an orator and a politician. You should consider his strengths and weaknesses, his achievements and failures, his motives and goals. You should also compare his speech with Aeschines' speech (which is available online) and decide who had a better case.
    • To deepen your understanding of the speech, you should read the commentary by Felice Cesana that accompanies the text in Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11. You should also read some of the related papers by other scholars that provide further insights and perspectives on the speech.

    Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11 is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to study one of the most famous and influential speeches in ancient history. It will help you appreciate the art and skill of Demosthenes as an orator and a politician.

    What are the Main Themes and Messages of the Oration on the Crown?

    The Oration on the Crown is a speech that deals with various themes and messages that are relevant not only for the historical and political context of Athens in the late 4th century BC, but also for the universal values and ideals of humanity. Some of the main themes and messages of the Oration on the Crown are:

      • The defense of democracy and freedom against tyranny and oppression. Demosthenes portrays himself as a champion of democracy and freedom, who opposed Philip II of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great, who were seen as tyrants and oppressors of Greece. He also praises the Athenian democracy as the best form of government, and criticizes Aeschines as a traitor and a flatterer of the Macedonians.
      • The importance of honor and glory over wealth and power. Demosthenes argues that honor and glory are the highest goals and rewards for a politician and a citizen, and that wealth and power are secondary and corrupting. He claims that he always acted for the honor and glory of Athens, even if it meant risking his life and fortune, while Aeschines acted for his own wealth and power, even if it meant betraying his country and its allies.
      • The role of rhetoric and persuasion in politics and society. Demosthenes demonstrates his mastery of rhetoric and persuasion, which are essential skills for a politician and an orator. He uses various rhetorical devices and techniques to convince his audience of his innocence and merit, and to discredit his opponent and his accusations. He also shows how rhetoric and persuasion can be used for good or evil purposes, depending on the character and motives of the speaker.
      • The value of history and tradition as sources of wisdom and inspiration. Demosthenes appeals to history and tradition as sources of wisdom and inspiration for himself and his fellow Athenians. He cites examples from the past history of Athens, such as the Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian War, and the Theban War, to show how the Athenians always fought bravely for their freedom and dignity against their enemies. He also invokes the names and deeds of famous Athenian heroes, such as Themistocles, Pericles, Cimon, Timotheus, Chabrias, Iphicrates, Thrasybulus, Conon, Evagoras, Dionysius I of Syracuse etc., to inspire his audience with their courage

      What are the Challenges and Difficulties of Studying the Oration on the Crown?

      The Oration on the Crown is a speech that poses some challenges and difficulties for modern students and scholars who want to study it. Some of the challenges and difficulties of studying the Oration on the Crown are:

        • The complexity and length of the speech. The Oration on the Crown is one of the longest and most complex speeches in ancient literature. It consists of about 300 sections and 18,000 words, and it covers a wide range of topics and issues. It requires a lot of concentration and attention to follow the arguments and the structure of the speech.
        • The lack and uncertainty of the sources. The Oration on the Crown is based on various sources that are either lost or uncertain, such as official documents, decrees, letters, speeches, testimonies, etc. Some of these sources are quoted or paraphrased by Demosthenes, but others are only mentioned or implied. It is not always easy to verify the accuracy and reliability of these sources.
        • The transmission and preservation of the text. The Oration on the Crown has been transmitted and preserved through various manuscripts and papyri that date from different periods and places. These manuscripts and papyri have some variations and errors that affect the text and its interpretation. It is not always possible to establish the original or best reading of the text.
        • The linguistic and stylistic features of the speech. The Oration on the Crown has some linguistic and stylistic features that are typical of Demosthenes' style, but also some that are unique or rare. These features include vocabulary, syntax, figures of speech, rhetorical devices, etc. They require a good knowledge of Greek language and literature to understand and appreciate them.

        These are some of the challenges and difficulties of studying the Oration on the Crown that modern students and scholars have to face. However, these challenges and difficulties can also be seen as opportunities and incentives to deepen our understanding and appreciation of this remarkable speech.

        How to Appreciate and Enjoy the Oration on the Crown?

        The Oration on the Crown is a speech that deserves to be appreciated and enjoyed by modern readers who want to learn from its wisdom and beauty. Here are some tips on how to appreciate and enjoy the Oration on the Crown:

          • Read it aloud or listen to it. The Oration on the Crown was originally delivered orally in front of a large audience in a public place. It was meant to be heard rather than read. Reading it aloud or listening to it can help you capture its rhythm, tone, emotion, and impact.
          • Imagine yourself as part of the audience or as a juror. The Oration on the Crown was addressed to a specific audience: the Athenian citizens who were also jurors in the trial. Imagining yourself as part of that audience or as a juror can help you understand how Demosthenes tried to persuade them with his words.
          • Compare it with other speeches or texts. The Oration on the Crown was not written in isolation, but in relation to other speeches or texts that dealt with similar or different topics or issues. Comparing it with other speeches or texts can help you see its similarities and differences, its strengths and weaknesses, its originality and influence.
          • Relate it to your own experience or situation. The Oration on the Crown was not only relevant for its historical and political context, but also for its universal values and ideals. Relating it to your own experience or situation can help you see how it can inspire you or challenge you, how it can teach you or question you, how it can enrich you or transform you.

          These are some of the tips on how to appreciate and enjoy


          Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11 is a digital file that contains the text and commentary of one of the most famous and influential speeches in ancient history: the Oration on the Crown by Demosthenes. In this article, we have explained what this oration is about, why it is important, and how you can download and read it for free. We have also given you some tips on how to study, understand, appreciate, and enjoy this remarkable speech.

          We hope this article was helpful for you and answered your questions about Demostene Sulla Corona Pdf 11. If you want to learn more about Demosthenes and his orations, you can check out some of the sources and references that we have provided below. You can also share your thoughts and opinions with us in the comments section.

          Thank you for reading and happy learning!

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