National Theatre of the Oppressed Conference, November 2014, Bangalore

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radha ramaswamy

Aug 12, 2014, 11:38:57 PM8/12/14
to radha ramaswamy

Dear friend


Greetings from the Centre for Community Dialogue and Change!


We are happy and proud to announce a National Theatre of the Oppressed Conference in November in Bangalore.


We are an organisation with a strong commitment to the ideas of democratic dialogue underlying the practice of Theatre of the Oppressed (TO). Since our inception in 2011, we have been trying to take the tools of this unique methodology to different communities in India. We have been inspired by the work of other TO practitioners that we have had the privilege to meet and work with. We have also often wondered- where are the others? TO has been around in India since the 1990s, and  there are many practitioners, we are convinced, who continue to use TO in their work with communities , despite great challenges. We have been wanting to meet these amazing people.


At the same time, we feel that TO comes in many forms and shapes. The practice of the liberatory pedagogy that is the founding principle of TO is to be found in the work of many who do not identify as TO practitioners. They are educators, both mainstream as well as non formal, activists in grassroots organisations and people's movements, and theatre artists who believe that theatre can create change.


We believe that a gathering of all such people, united by their commitment to the building of a just and equitable society in India, can be a source of inspiration, learning and growth for all of us.


We hope you will join us in November at Diversity Dialogues 2014 !


Please share the information in the attached document with as many people as you can. The  document also has a link to a video about the conference.


Warm regards




Founder, Centre for Community Dialogue and Change


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Theatre of the Oppressed National Conference.pdf

Adam Malloy

Aug 26, 2014, 3:44:30 PM8/26/14
Hi Radha (and Ram and Ravi too),

Looks like a very stimulating workshop you are organizing in B'lore for November.  I would love to attend, but sadly cannot make it happen this year.

I will be up in Darjeeling later in December.  All of Nayantara's family and friends are very excited to meet Shantipriya for the first time, as you can imagine.  So we will spend out Christmas holidays there. 

Wishing you three all the best...


From: [] on behalf of radha ramaswamy []
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:38 PM
To: radha ramaswamy
Subject: {Disarmed} National Theatre of the Oppressed Conference, November 2014, Bangalore


ps: If you do not wish to receive these occasional informative mails from CCDC, please send a blank email to  





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