6 day Facilitator training by CCDC - June 2016 . Facilitated by Radha Ramaswamy.and Ravi Ramaswamy

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Ravi Ramakantan

Mar 21, 2016, 1:36:41 AM3/21/16
to Theatre of the Oppressed in India

Greetings from the Centre for Community Dialogue and Change! 

We are excited to announce our seventh week-long training in Theatre of the Oppressed!

The dates of the training this year are June 7-12, 2016. The venue is Indian Social Institute, Benson Town, Bangalore. 


Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) is a creative tool that can deepen and transform your social, cultural and political work.   Beginners as well as those seeking to enhance their understanding and practice of TO will find this workshop useful.


No prior theatre experience is necessary.  All you need is imagination and a desire for change!


Our trainings in previous years have attracted participants from all over India as well as from Canada, Egypt, France, Iran, the Philippines and the USA. You can see some of their feedback at this link



This year's Workshop webpage is at this link:


(if the above link is  not clickable, please copy and paste it in your browser).

Please circulate this information among your friends and anyone you think may be interested. 

If you have any questions, do write con...@ccdc.in


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