Excellent shot of this hill rose Ratna di...
Shantanu .
Shantanu Bhattacharya.
B.Sc, M.Sc (Zoology)
University of Calcutta.
Teaching Faculty.
Dept. of Biology.
Vivekananda Mission School(ICSE).
Joka. Kolkata.
On Sep 26, 12:06 pm, Ratna Ghosh <
ratn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Scientific Name: *Rosa sericea*
> Syn.: * R. tetrapetala, R. wallichii
> *Family: *Rosaceae
> *Flowering: May-Aug
> Altitudinal Range: 2100-4500m
> Location: Yumthung Valley, North Sikkim
> Thanks
> Ratna Ghosh
> Rosa sericea.jpg
> 96KViewDownload