These are the only species of Maytenus/ Celastrus/ Gymnosporia mentioned in Forest Flora of A.P.
Hi Mr.Garg & Satish,
Sorry to come in so late. Was at a Marine Bio-diversity Camp in the Gulf of Kutch.
It is definitely not Cassine glauca [Elaeodendron glaucum]. It is a Meytenus sp.- most likely M.senegalensis.
Hi Mr.Garg,
On some smaller shrubs spines are not always present. You have consider the larger picture.
Neil. |
Dear Satish ji
These photos are from Elaeodendron. In Elaeodendron the ovary and disk are continuous and with the stamens arising from the top of the disk, never from the outside (much like Salacia etc.). You can see that clearly from the flower in front. In Gymnosporia the disk is separate and the stamens are from outside the disk.
With best wishes, Robert
Robert H. Archer
COM specialist
Scientist National Biodiversity Institute