A Fellowship on �Communities in Conservation' :
An initiative of FES in the North-East, India.
Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) is pleased to announce a fellowship program that supports activities / research by individuals from the 8 North Eastern states on governance and conservation of the rich biodiversity values of the region.
Support will be provided for (but not restricted to) efforts that promote issues of:
Governance of natural resources.
B. Community conserved areas.
C. Biodiversity beyond protected areas.
The Fellowship:
A.�� Would be up to Rs. 2,00,000/- (two lakhs) and for a maximum period of 18 (eighteen) months.
B.�� Encourage individuals eager to comprehend and conserve the biodiversity values of the region. They could be engaged in employment (full time / part time) / pursuing academics or otherwise.
C.�� Would
favour activities that lead
towards field level conservation
while age and academic
qualifications are not a bar.
can be sent to northe...@ecologicalsecurity.org and
should include curriculum vitae
of the applicant, detailed
proposal and justification on
how the actions would benefit
conservation. Candidates are
encouraged to share reports,
images, web-links and write-ups
of their earlier efforts.
FES requests friends to share
information on the fellowship
and welcomes enquires at northe...@ecologicalsecurity.org / 02692
261402 / 0 89782 79595.
For more information on FES please visit www.fes.org.in .