Dear Shrikantji,
Fortunately Dr. Van Du Nguyen is working with us nowadays. He is an
Araceae expert with a published record of many new species. Presently
he is busy revising Rhaphidophora of Vietnam. I shown him this
photograph today. He is in the same opinion with Dr. Pankaj.
Rhaphidophora has been divided into two groups i.e Pinnatisect and
Entire. Many of them have entire leaf when young. Scindapsus is
characterized by the presence of petiole sheath so that possibility is
ruled out here. Dr. Du has requested to post some more photos of this
plant with mature leaves. Otherwise its difficult to confirm the
On Nov 26, 3:59 am, Pankaj Kumar <> wrote:
> This does look like Rhaphidophora to me and they can very well have
> entire leaves and at times young plants also show entire leaves.
> This is the list from India most probably
> Rhaphidophora hookeri are Rhaphidophora schottii are two species
> found in India with entire leaves. I am not sure about their
> distribution in South.
> You may please send me a good resolution pic. I can try sending it to
> a friend Dr. David Scherberich who is an Araceae expert. You may also
> try looking into Flora of British India, vol 6, once to check...
> Regards
> Pankaj
> On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 6:44 PM, shrikant ingalhalikar
> <> wrote:
> > Never seen Rhaphidophora with entire leaves. The stem was just 15 cm
> > long and did not look implanted. Regards, Shrikant
> > On Nov 25, 2:24 pm, "Shrikant Ingalhalikar" <>
> > wrote:
> >> This young epiphytic climber with thick cylindric stem was seen at Amboli, on a high altitude plateau recently. The leaves were 5-8 cm, ovate, acute, cordate. Petioles 3-5 cm long. Does Rhaphidophora have entire leaves when young? Proper Rhaphidophora climber was seen in the locality but not near to this climber. Or is it any sp. of Scindapsus? RegardsShrikant Ingalhalikar12 Varshanand SocietyAnandnagar Sinhagad RoadPune 411 051.www.idsahyadri.comTel9120 2435 0765.Fax 91 20 2438 9190.