fruit of Gloriosa superba_Nov 09_SSN

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shubhada nikharge

Nov 8, 2009, 8:34:35 AM11/8/09
to indian tree pix
Pics of flowers of Gloriosa superba have been put up on the group earlier many times.
I saw its fruits first time.
pic taken at Conservation Education centre, Goregaon East, Mumbai on 8th Nov 2009.
Gloriosa superba (climber) 
Common name:  glory lily
Marathi name: कळलावी
family : liliaceae


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gloriosa superba fruit glory lily कळलावी liliaceae 2009_1108_cec_0204 e.JPG
gloriosa superba fruit glory lily कळलावी liliaceae 2009_1108_cec_0205 e.JPG
gloriosa superba fruit glory lily कळलावी liliaceae 2009_1108_cec_0212 e.JPG

vijaya chakravarty

Nov 8, 2009, 8:08:45 PM11/8/09
to indiantreepix
This is the 1st time i am looking at the fruit of Gloriosa supeba. In
Marathi there is an interesting name for the flower----'Gauri che
ie hands of Gauri--which describes the flowers to a lay person.
Best Wishes
Vijaya Chakravarty

On Nov 8, 6:34 pm, shubhada nikharge <>
> Hi,
> Pics of flowers of Gloriosa superba have been put up on the group earlier many times.
> I saw its fruits first time. pic taken at Conservation Education centre, Goregaon East, Mumbai on 8th Nov 2009.
> Gloriosa superba (climber)  
> Common name:  glory lily
> Marathi name: कळलावी
> family : liliaceae
> Cheers,
> Shubhada
> "I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do."
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>  gloriosa superba fruit glory lily कळलावी liliaceae 2009_1108_cec_0204 e.JPG
> 102KViewDownload
>  gloriosa superba fruit glory lily कळलावी liliaceae 2009_1108_cec_0205 e.JPG
> 116KViewDownload
>  gloriosa superba fruit glory lily कळलावी liliaceae 2009_1108_cec_0212 e.JPG
> 92KViewDownload
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