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Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze submission AS7 September 2023

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Ashutosh Sharma

Sep 6, 2023, 4:33:34 AM9/6/23
to indiantreepix
Dear members,

Here's an addition to our eFloraofIndia website. 

Toxicodendron wallichii (Hook.f.) Kuntze
Synonym - Rhus wallichii Hook.f.
Family - Anacardiaceae

After going through Rhus punjabensis page on eFI website I found that most of the post there are actually misidentified and the plant is R. wallichii, so I will comment with correct id to every misidentified post.

Here's the simple key to distinguish -
R. wallichii - Panicles axillary or terminal panicle, much shorter than the leaves, rusty tomentose. Drupe globose, 5-7 mm diameter.
R. punjabensis - Panicles terminal, long 10 - 23 cm, densely tomentose. Drupe subglobose, compressed, 3 - 4 mm in diam., red & tomentose (waxy at maturity).

With best regards
Ashutosh Sharma
Rhus wallichii inflorescence.jpg
Rhus wallichii leaf dorsal.jpg
Rhus wallichii fruiting.jpg
Rhus wallichii.jpg

Ashutosh Sharma

Sep 6, 2023, 7:37:29 AM9/6/23
to indiantreepix
Images are clicked in Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh.
Elevation - 2100 metres a.s.l.

Thanks & Regards
Ashutosh Sharma 

Gurcharan Singh

Sep 8, 2023, 3:04:26 AM9/8/23
to eFloraofIndia
Thanks Ashutosh ji
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