Dioscorea alata

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Neil Soares

Oct 22, 2012, 9:15:14 AM10/22/12
to indian...@googlegroups.com
Photographed on my property at Shahapur [dead centre in photograph 1, D.bulbifera is to it's left]. It was planted.
D. alata can be mistaken for D.bulbifera [plenty of my photographs of which are available in the archives of this group]. According to Dr. Almeida's 'Flora of Maharashtra', one of the main differences between the 2 is that in the former the "stem climbs to the right" [in a clockwise direction - photographs 8 & 9], whereas in the latter, the "stem climbs to the left" [in an anti-clockwise direction].
 Also seen are the characteristic 4 - winged / 4 - angled stems [photographs 5 & 6], often with 'bulb-like' tubers [photographs 6 & 7].
Spoke to Dr. Almeida - this plant does not occur in the wild but is cultivated as the "most esteemed yam of Europeans".  As it is an exotic, I will be destroying it.
Also don't think that Surajet Koley's plant posted a few days ago is D. alata.
                          With regards,
                            Neil Soares.
Dioscorea alata 1.jpg
Dioscorea alata 2.jpg
Dioscorea alata 3.jpg
Dioscorea alata 4.jpg
Dioscorea alata 5.jpg
Dioscorea alata 6.jpg
Dioscorea alata 7.jpg
Dioscorea alata 8.jpg
Dioscorea alata 9.jpg

Aarti S. Khale

Oct 22, 2012, 11:45:22 AM10/22/12
to indian...@googlegroups.com, Neil Soares, Aarti S. Khale
Dr Neil ji,
Nice to see pictures of this Yam.
This is the one that is Purple from inside?
Sorry to know that you will be destroying it.
I would have loved to grow it in our Nasik garden.
Please do not destroy it.


Oct 22, 2012, 1:42:00 PM10/22/12
to indian...@googlegroups.com
Great Neil Sir, for the keys.

Thank you & Regards,

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