a. Plant a low diffuse spreading hairy annual. (Trionum.) \. H. Trionum
aa. Plant strong and erect.
b Species of annuals and herbaceous perennials.
c. Calyx large and spathe-like, splitting down one side, usually early deciduous. (Abelmoschus.)
d. Bractlets of involucel linear.
e. Pod 3 in. or less long 2. H. Abelmoschus
ee. Pod 4-5 in. or more long 3. H. esculentus
dd. Bractlets ovate to oblong 4. H. Manihot
cc. Calyx regularly 5-lobed or -cleft, not spathe-like.
d. Involucel and calyx red, thick and fleshy, edible 5. H. Sabdanfla
dd. Involucel and calyx not so.
e. Sts. not prickly.
f. Foliage nearly or quite glabrous.
g. Lvs. divided into narrow divisions 6. if . coccmeus
gg. Lvs. hastate with short lobe on either side at base, or not lobed 7. H. mihtans
ff. Foliage prominently pubescent or tomentose, at least underneath.
g. Lobes of calyx usually abruptly pointed: fls. rose 8. H. Moscheutos
gg. Lobes long-acuminate: fls. white with rose center 9. H. oculiroseus ee. Sts. prickly 10. H. cannabmus
bb. Species of shrubs and small trees.
c. Involucel of separate bractlets.
d. Fls. yellow U- # calyanus
dd. F]s. white, pink, red. , <fl „ , . , „
e. Lvs. linear or lanceolate, or parted into lobes of such shape. . . 12. H. heterophyllous
ee. Lvs. broad
f. Petals deeply cut and fringed 13. H. schizopetalus
ff. Petals not lobed or only shallowly emarginate.
g. Margins of lvs. entire 14. H. Arnottianus
gg. Margins dentate or lobed, or both.
h. Staminal column long-exserted 15. H. Rosa-sinensis
hh. Staminal column not surpassing the corolla.
i. With pubescent lvs 16. H. mutabilis
ii. With glabrous lvs 17. H. syriacus
cc. Involucel an 8-10-toothed cup: fls. yellow. (Paritium, Pariti.)
d. With deciduous involucel and calyx 18. H. elatus
dd. With persistent involucel and calyx 19. H. tiliaceous