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Some earlier relevant feedback:
In the last photo, is that the seeds!? Very intriguing...
Janani Eswar |
The Plant List and GRIN Dr Satish Phadke
I thought those were seeds, each fruit having one, but literature (also FoC) says that those are endocarp (stone)!
Thank you very much for the eye-opening comment. Regards, surajit
Thank you very much for the mail, i made two grave mistakes, 1) It is not Cissampelos pareira L., the entry in F. B. I. is Stephania hernandifolia Walp., same as in "Bengal Plants", and 2) it is "Walp.", not "Wall.". However, i copy entry in "Bengal Plants" :-
Stephania hernandifolia Walp.; F. B. I. i. 103; E. D. S. 2794. Cissampelos hernandifolia F. I. iii. 842.
Regards, surajit
efi site link for the species: https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/m---z/m/menispermaceae/stephania/stephania-japonica-var-discolor |