Confusion on which name to use for which species remained a constant theme for the two ginger species depicted in the following photographs. Both Zingiber species occur in Western ghats and are widely distributed, yet their identity and names used for them remained a hotly debated topic in every forum interested in them, including 'eflora of India'.
Me and my co-authors have recently published a study which addressed this problem in detail and provided a solution for the same ✨
Our results mainly conclude that
1) The Yellow flowered Zingiber species occurring in northern Western Ghats must be recognized with name Zingiber neesanum. 2) Recently proposed new name for the same species - Zingiber diwakarianum - must not be preferred 3) White flowered Zingiber species predominant in Central and Southern Western Ghats must be called by the name Zingiber anamalayanum.
In addition to these 3 main conclusions we also pinpointed the origin of the said problem, how it persisted in time and how we can learn from our mistakes and not repeat the same again. We have also shed light on some interesting botanical history, importance of herbarium specimens, digitizing historical documents in connection with botany and much more.
Henceforth the two species will be known by their correct name throughout the globe, facilitating their unambiguous identification.
Everything under the sun in connection with these species will be much precise now, let it be assessing their conservation status or considering them from utilitarian point of view.
Cheers 🎉✨