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Re: Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar

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Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:23:04 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju

On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 4:22 PM Saroj Kasaju <> wrote:
Dear Members,

Location: Jumla, Nepal
Altitude:  2481m.
Date: 18 August 2021 
Habit : Wild 
If ID is correct, it would be a new sp. for NepaL.

Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:23:26 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:23:43 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:24:09 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:24:22 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju


Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:24:33 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:24:59 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju


Saroj Kasaju

Apr 6, 2022, 11:25:23 AM4/6/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Wojciech Adamowski

J.M. Garg

Apr 6, 2022, 8:30:10 PM4/6/22
to Saroj Kasaju, efloraindia
Thanks, Saroj ji, for the wonderful images.

With regards, 
J. M. Garg

Nidhan Singh

Apr 7, 2022, 7:59:42 AM4/7/22
to indiantreepix, Saroj Kasaju
Saroj Ji,
Though our young Balsam expert will have his say, I think you are right in identification..

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Wojciech Adamowski

Apr 7, 2022, 8:04:55 AM4/7/22
to efloraindia, J.M. Garg, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, Saroj Kasaju
These plants look similar to what was identified recently as I. devendrae.
There are many less or more similar observations on iNaturalist, with and without rusty markings, with more or less inflated lower sepal, with more white or more rosa (even yellow) flowers and with different shapes of spur.
very similar to I. devendrae. Plant there was called I. amphorata.
Now, Akiyama (Akiyama S. 2021. Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) of Nepal (1) An Identification Key and Taxonomy of the Species of Sections Uniflorae, Fasciculatae and Axilliflorae. Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series B, Botany 47(2): 79-101.  and Akiyama S. 2021. Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) of Nepal (2): Taxonomy of the Species of Sections Racemosae and Sulcatae. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 47(4): 193–220. DOI: 10.50826/bnmnsbot.47.4_193 use name I. amphorata.
I think for the time being these plants should be called I. amphorata.

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 7, 2022, 8:28:33 AM4/7/22
to J.M. Garg, efloraindia

Thank you Mr. Garg 

Saroj Kasaju

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 7, 2022, 9:33:06 AM4/7/22
to Nidhan Singh, J.M. Garg, indiantreepix

Thank you Nidhan Sir !

Saroj Kasaju

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 7, 2022, 10:45:41 AM4/7/22
to Nidhan Singh, J.M. Garg, Wojciech Adamowski, rajib Gogoi, Ashutosh Sharma, Tabish, indiantreepix


Apr 7, 2022, 1:47:00 PM4/7/22
to efloraofindia
Impatiens amphorata should not be a synonym of Impatiens bicolor, which has yellow and pink bicolor flowers.
The name Impatiens amphorata was originally used for the pink colored species
This species is now Impatiens bicolor var. devendrae, as per

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 7, 2022, 2:22:31 PM4/7/22
to efloraindia, Tabish, Ashutosh Sharma, Wojciech Adamowski, rajib Gogoi, J.M. Garg
Dear Tabish, 

Any opinion on your two sp. ??

Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju



Apr 7, 2022, 3:18:42 PM4/7/22
to efloraofindia
I just saw Wojciech's post in this thread which I earlier missed. I am happy to see that this plant is now called Impatiens amphorata. Many years back Wojciech had said in this forum that the species which was described as Impatiens devendrae, was the same which was originally called Impatiens amphorata, but for some some reason got mixed up with Impatiens bicolor. I will happily go with Impatiens amphorata. I too think that Saroj's plant is Impatiens amphorata, known from Nepal according to Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) of Nepal (1) by Akiyama.
   Best wishes

Wojciech Adamowski

Apr 10, 2022, 1:16:38 PM4/10/22
to efloraindia, Tabish, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, J.M. Garg, Saroj Kasaju
Paper by Singh et al. produce a lot of noise and give little information...
We don't include I. devendrae in our paper, as we have not enough material for this difficult group.
If time allow, I will prepare a file dealing with I. amphorata/I. devendrae and add it to my project on RG. I don't think however I will be able to do so before autumn, as my field season starts soon.
Best regards           Wojciech Adamowski

Saroj Kasaju

Apr 10, 2022, 4:37:52 PM4/10/22
to Wojciech Adamowski, efloraindia, Tabish, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, J.M. Garg
OK Dr. Adamowski.
Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju

Saroj Kasaju

Sep 2, 2023, 2:01:04 PM9/2/23
to Wojciech Adamowski, efloraindia, Tabish, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, J.M. Garg
Any updates Dr. Adamowski ??

Thank you.

Saroj Kasaju

Saroj Kasaju

Sep 2, 2023, 2:10:36 PM9/2/23
to Wojciech Adamowski, efloraindia, Tabish, Ashutosh Sharma, rajib Gogoi, J.M. Garg

Saroj Kasaju

Sep 4, 2023, 1:19:46 PM9/4/23
to Wojciech Adamowski, efloraindia, J.M. Garg, rajib Gogoi

Thank you Dr. Adamowski.

Saroj Kasaju

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wojciech Adamowski <>
Date: Mon, Sep 4, 2023 at 11:02 PM
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:419107] Re: Impatiens devendrae Pusalkar
To: Saroj Kasaju <>

I suppose all three specimens are misidentifications of I. balfourii
Regards          Wojciech Adamowski

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