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OK Dinesh ji. I'll go through the list. I think it needs some corrections. For e.g. Justicia adhatoda is popularly known as 'adhatodai' ஆடாதோடை only.
The name "இரத்தபித்தம் iratta-pittam" perhaps refers to a disease (Hemorrhage) and not this plant. Similarly the Tamil name 'காட்டுமுருங்கை kāṭṭu-muruṅkai' refers to Moringa concanensis, which is appropriate. We need not include this name for J. adhatoda, even if it was mentioned in some old literature. Doing so will lead to confusion only. The other names given here for J. adhatoda are also not in current use and must be removed. The name 'Pavatta' mainly refers to Pavetta indica rather than J. adhatoda.
Barleria prionitis is better known as ªêñ¢º÷¢÷¤ 'Semmulli', and the name 'Kutan' must be a prehistoric one. (pl. check the link to ENVIS-FRLHT doesn't work here, but i can open the site separately)
I don't think we should include all names used for plants in old Tamil literature. We can't afford it. For e.g. Plumbago zeylanica has 128 Tamil names. I am sure Neem has at least 150 names, and so several other plants. Mr. Panchavarnam (i think he recently joined our group) has done lots of research on this subject and he has compiled all these information for several plants with an aim of doing it for all plants (of India i guess). So, providing only popular names, which are in current usage, will be a good idea.
Of course, it is my personal view only.
RegardsVijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Dinesh Valke <> wrote:
Many thanks Vijayasankar ji for the clarifications.
Here is the list of Tamil names that have got populated in the site.
If you find any discrepancies OR would like to comment on any other aspect please do so by posting it to our group.
It will help people gain interest in the site's contents.
Dinesh.On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Vijayasankar <> wrote:Thanks Dinesh ji, for the clarification. These are my responses for your queries:
1. Use of two names L. and Linn. is accepted only for Linnaeus (may be due to the long usage of Linn.). So its OK if you use either of these. But nowadays only L. is used. Using Linn. in not a mistake.
2. GRIN doesn't provide all synonyms. There may be too many (remember recent posts by Dr.Pankaj listing large number of synonyms for one taxon) synonyms, and its not necessary to include all. These are included generally only by revisioners. Revd. Hb. to Flora of Ceylon provides detailed note on synonyms. We generally use only popular names and not all synonyms.
3. IPNI just lists all botanical names and doesn't distinguish accepted and synonyms.
4. GBIF takes records from IPNI, so we need to cross check for author citation if we refer this facility.
5. In case of authority for the name Acanthus ilicifolius, both Loureiro (Lour.) and Linnaeus (L.) have used the same name for describing the species. May be Lour. was unaware of L.'s publication. Since L. published it (in 1753) before the publication of Lour. (in 1790), the Principles of Priority Rule of ICBN applies here. The earliest published name is accepted and the latter in this case is a latter homonym which is invalid.
Experts in the group may like to throw more light on this.
So, while providing authority we generally refer more than one sources, and we go into details if we find discrepancies. After all our wish is to ensure correctness rather than multiplying mistakes made in some websites.
BTW, please send me the list of Tamil names for verification. I would love to go through that.
RegardsVijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi
On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Dinesh Valke <> wrote:
Vijayasankar ji,
The intention of the site is to gather the common names of plants in India and validate them.
The plant is introduced by its Latin name because it is unique and not shared.
When in case there are instances of a Latin name with more than one author, their authors' names will follow them for sake of differentiation.
At NPGS / GRIN ...
... put as Acanthus ilicifolius L. ... no synonyms put at present.
Not able to understand the format at IPNI ...
GBIF at has Acanthus ilicifolius Lour. ... was not able to know where the synonyms are put
At some other places on WWW
1) Acanthus ilicifolius Linn. Synonyms: Acanthus doloariu Blanco., Acanthus ebracteatus val., Acanthus volubilis Wall., Dilivaria ilicifolia Nees. (Juss )
2) Acanthus ilicifolius L. Synonym: Acanthus volubilis Wallich.
Have stayed far away from gathering data related to botanical name citations because of differing abbreviations (implying different authors AND / OR different syntax).
The data is not stored in database format.
In the given circumstances, change in status of botanical name is the least that can be afforded (time-wise and efforts-wise).
The site and its contents at present are viewable only to our group ... as such is matter for discussing / validating the common names ... not to be considered as database.
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