ah-poh-no-JEE-tun -- originally applied to a water plant found at Aquae Aponi, Italy ...
Dave's Botanary
brug-GAIN-ee-eye ? -- named for H. W. E. (Harry) van Bruggen, Dutch botanist ...
commonly known as: Bruggen's pondweed •
Marathi: गुलाबी पाणतुरा gulabi pantura
botanical names:
Aponogeton bruggenii S.R.Yadav & Govekar ...
synonyms: no synonym known ...
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Bruggen's pondweed
- bruggenii, commemorative
epithet, named for Heinrich (Harry) Wilhelm Eduard van Bruggen (December
6, 1927 in Amsterdam – February 8, 2010 in Amersfoort) was a Dutch
amateur botanist, for his immense contribution to study of Aponogeton, the sole genus of family Aponogetonaceae ... Wikipedia. All Aponogeton spp. are aquatic plants, thus the generic name pondweed given to all its species.
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
गुलाबी पाणतुरा gulabi pantura
- an apt name given by Shrikant Ingalhalikar, the author of Further Flowers of Sahyadri ... गुलाबी gulabi = pink; पाण pan = water (habitat); तुरा tura = spike (inflorescence)
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