070311-PR-2 For ID -Chennai.

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Padmini Raghavan

Mar 7, 2011, 1:14:48 PM3/7/11
to indiantreepix
This is a tall tree growing in a park at Chennai. It is closely surrounded by other trees.
 Please help me with the id.
Padmini Raghavan.
Tree for ID ( is it H.antidysenterica) 002.jpg
Tree for ID ( is it H.antidysenterica) 003.jpg
Tree for ID ( is it H.antidysenterica) 005.jpg


Mar 7, 2011, 2:44:45 PM3/7/11
to Padmini Raghavan, indiantreepix
Pl also check it for Alstonia macrophylla.
Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi


Mar 7, 2011, 10:18:24 PM3/7/11
to efloraofindia
This is Alstonia macrophylla. One can see very good specimens in
Nageswara Rao Park, Mylapore Chennai.
>  Tree for ID ( is it H.antidysenterica) 002.jpg
> 236KViewDownload
>  Tree for ID ( is it H.antidysenterica) 003.jpg
> 226KViewDownload
>  Tree for ID ( is it H.antidysenterica) 005.jpg
> 235KViewDownload

Padmini Raghavan

Mar 8, 2011, 1:54:38 PM3/8/11
to Mahadeswara, efloraofindia
Hi Prasanna, Dr.Vijayasankar and Dr. Maheswara,
Thanks for the id.
It is Alstonia macrophylla seen in Nageswara rao Park.
 It must have been pointed out to us by you , Dr. M, but there were so many specimens that were new to me that it must have escaped my attention.
 Btw, the Alstonia scholaris at the Agri-hort garden has not bloomed tho I have been watching it the past year or so.
 The Pseudobombax ellipticum had just ONE fantastic pink flower about 5-6 inches wide at the top of a bare tree, last week. It was a stunning sight (unfortunately not to be photographed.)
Thanks and regards,
Padmini Raghavan.
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