Spergula fallax for validation

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radha veach

Mar 4, 2020, 2:29:21 AM3/4/20
to efloraofindia
Found in irrigated fields in Bera, Rajasthan in February 2020.
Is this Spergula fallax (Lowe) E.H.L.Krause, Caryophyllaceae ?  Please confirm

thank you

J.M. Garg

Mar 8, 2020, 4:09:42 AM3/8/20
to efloraofindia, radha veach
Thanks, Radha ji.
Most of our posts so far are at Spergula arvensis L.

May I request you to pl. check the following keys from Flora of Pakistan, as I can not see these details in these images:
1Leaves not channeled beneath. Seeds keeled or with a narrow wing 2 Spergula arvensis
+Leaves channeled beneath. Seeds broadly winged 1 Spergula fallax

Also Spergula fallax (Lowe) E.H.L.Krause seems to have been transferred Spergularia flaccida (Madden) I.M.Turner as per Catalogue of life. So also check the keys in Flora of China as below:
5 (4)Styles 5; capsule 5-valved; leaves usually pseudoverticillate, stipules not connate 3 Spergula
+Styles 3; capsule 3-valved; leaves decussate, stipules connate 4 Spergularia

However, Flora of Pakistan says
The frequently used characters of 3 styles and the capsule dehiscing by 3 valves do not hold good in our area in separating (Spergula) from Spergularia (styles 3, capsule dehiscing by 3 valves). The presence of connate stipules in Spergularia and stipules not connate in Spergula is more satisfactory in separating the genera as they occur in Pakistan.

Pl. also see images of Spergularia fallax Lowe as below:

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radha veach

Mar 8, 2020, 10:01:17 AM3/8/20
to efloraofindia
Dear Garg ji,

thank you for your research.  My tentative id was based on Bhandari's book, p. 47 in which Spergula fallax  (Lowe) E.H.L.Krause, is synonymous with S. arvensis sensu Bhandari,
It matches the description given in respect to the plant which I saw. I did not see the seeds.
 The leaves are not chanelled, there are 3 styles and stipules are not connate.
I will go with whatever you decide.


thank you

J.M. Garg

Mar 8, 2020, 9:17:28 PM3/8/20
to efloraofindia, radha veach

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