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Euphorbia species for ID 3/01/2010

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Satish Phadke

3 Jan 2010, 1:06:55 pm03/01/10
to indiantreepix Indian
This is a tiny herb.
Must be very common. Got a chance to see its flowers. Actually the intricate nature of the flowers was appreciated on zooming the macro. Is it Chamaesyce hypericifolia. I could find Dinesh Valke's photo on Flickr matching this one.
Dr Satish Phadke

shrikant ingalhalikar

3 Jan 2010, 9:55:43 pm03/01/10
to indiantreepix
This is herb with erect stem, leaves opposite and with stipules.
Involucres on axillary pedunculate cymes. I have identified this as
Euphorbia zornioides. Pls validate. Regards, Shrikant Ingalhalikar

On Jan 3, 11:06 pm, Satish Phadke <> wrote:
> This is a tiny herb.
> Must be very common. Got a chance to see its flowers. Actually the intricate

> nature of the flowers was appreciated on zooming the macro. Is it *Chamaesyce
> hypericifolia. *I could find Dinesh Valke's photo on Flickr matching this
> one.*
> *Dr Satish Phadke*
> *
>  DSCN4636s.jpg
> 107KViewDownload
>  DSCN4649s.jpg
> 102KViewDownload
>  DSCN4648s.jpg
> 106KViewDownload

Dinesh Valke

3 Jan 2010, 10:50:25 pm03/01/10
to shrikant ingalhalikar, indiantreepix
Shrikant ji, could it be Chamaesyce hypericifolia (C. glomerifera, Euphorbia glomerifera, E. hypericifolia).
But not sure of difference between C. hypericifolia and Euphorbia zornioides ...



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J.M. Garg

16 Feb 2010, 3:47:20 am16/02/10
to efloraofindia, satish phadke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Dinesh Valke

Forwarding again for Id confirmation or otherwise pl.

Earlier relevant feedback:

“This is herb with erect stem, leaves opposite and with stipules.

Involucres on axillary pedunculate cymes. I have identified this as

Euphorbia zornioides. Pls validate. Regards, Shrikant Ingalhalikar”


“Shrikant ji, could it be Chamaesyce hypericifolia (C. glomerifera, Euphorbia glomerifera, E. hypericifolia).
But not sure of difference between C. hypericifolia and Euphorbia zornioides ... ” from Dinesh ji.


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With regards,
J.M.Garg (
'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
Image Resource of more than a thousand species of Birds, Butterflies, Plants etc. (arranged alphabetically & place-wise):
For learning about Indian Flora, visit/ join Google e-group- Efloraofindia:


Vijayadas D

16 Feb 2010, 3:50:54 am16/02/10
to J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, satish phadke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Dinesh Valke
Euphorbia hirta ?

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Ferns are funniest plants..............!!!!!

Balkar Arya

17 Feb 2010, 12:56:02 pm17/02/10
to Vijayadas D, J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, satish phadke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Dinesh Valke
I think Euphorbia microphylla ?

J.M. Garg

10 Mar 2010, 7:02:42 am10/03/10
to efloraofindia, satish phadke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Dinesh Valke, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D

Forwarding again for Id confirmation or otherwise pl.

Earlier relevant feedback:

“This is herb with erect stem, leaves opposite and with stipules.
Involucres on axillary pedunculate cymes. I have identified this as
Euphorbia zornioides. Pls validate. Regards, Shrikant Ingalhalikar”


“Shrikant ji, could it be Chamaesyce hypericifolia (C. glomerifera, Euphorbia glomerifera, E. hypericifolia).
But not sure of difference between C. hypericifolia and Euphorbia zornioides ... ” from Dinesh ji.


Euphorbia hirta ?” from Vijayadas ji.

"I think Euphorbia microphylla ?" from Balkar ji.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satish Phadke <>
Date: 3 January 2010 23:36
Subject: [indiantreepix:25939] Euphorbia species for ID 3/01/2010
To: indiantreepix Indian <>

This is a tiny herb.
Must be very common. Got a chance to see its flowers. Actually the intricate nature of the flowers was appreciated on zooming the macro. Is it Chamaesyce hypericifolia. I could find Dinesh Valke's photo on Flickr matching this one.
Dr Satish Phadke


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J.M. Garg

25 Mar 2010, 3:18:45 am25/03/10
to efloraofindia, satish pardeshi, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Vijayadas D
Forwarding again for Id confirmation or otherwise pl.
Earlier relevant feedback:
“This is herb with erect stem, leaves opposite and with stipules.
Involucres on axillary pedunculate cymes. I have identified this as
Euphorbia zornioides. Pls validate. Regards, Shrikant Ingalhalikar”
“Shrikant ji, could it be Chamaesyce hypericifolia (C. glomerifera, Euphorbia glomerifera, E. hypericifolia).
But not sure of difference between C. hypericifolia and Euphorbia zornioides ... ” from Dinesh ji.
“Euphorbia hirta ?” from Vijayadas ji.
"I think Euphorbia microphylla ?" from Balkar ji.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satish Phadke <>
Date: 3 January 2010 23:36
Subject: [indiantreepix:25939] Euphorbia species for ID 3/01/2010
To: indiantreepix Indian <>

This is a tiny herb.
Must be very common. Got a chance to see its flowers. Actually the intricate nature of the flowers was appreciated on zooming the macro. Is it Chamaesyce hypericifolia. I could find Dinesh Valke's photo on Flickr matching this one.
Dr Satish Phadke


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Rohit Patel

25 Mar 2010, 4:53:40 am25/03/10
to J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, satish pardeshi, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Vijayadas D
yes this is “Euphorbia hirta ?”
 i am with Vijayadas ji.


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satish pardeshi

25 Mar 2010, 5:16:57 am25/03/10
to indiantreepix, J.M. Garg, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Vijayadas D
hello all
check it out with Euphorbia erythroclada

Satish Pardeshi
Satish Pardeshi
Plant Taxonomist
Mumbai, Pune

Vijayadas D

25 Mar 2010, 7:14:32 am25/03/10
to satish pardeshi, indiantreepix, J.M. Garg, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D
 fanatastic work
Vijayadas D
Horticulturist EstateSupervisorDeputy
Salwa Garden Village, PB -7210
Riyadh -11462 , KSA

Satish Phadke

25 Mar 2010, 9:11:03 am25/03/10
to satish pardeshi, indiantreepix, J.M. Garg, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Vijayadas D
Thanks Satish Ji
It definitely closely matches with the reference page picture.
To tell the details of characters of my specimen apart from seen in the picture..........
The leaves and plant in general not hairy as in E.hirsuta.Leaves 2cm* bye 0.5 cm or so in opposite pairs, finely serrate. Capsule reddish 3 lobed. The plant was growing as a weed in garden.
The description matches fairly well with that in BSI Mah flora.
Dr Phadke

satish pardeshi

25 Mar 2010, 9:14:43 am25/03/10
to indiantreepix
yes Satish Ji
the stem was not hairy at all, so was not conveinced of it being E. hirta. Euphorbia erythroclada i collected from the bank of Dahisar river.
Sorrry i dnt provide the description and information along with the link

Satish Pardeshi

Satish Phadke

19 Sept 2011, 11:58:46 am19/09/11
to indiantreepix Indian
Forwarding again for comparison to recent Madhuri ji's post

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satish Phadke <>
Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 11:36 PM
Subject: Euphorbia species for ID 3/01/2010
To: indiantreepix Indian <>

This is a tiny herb.
Must be very common. Got a chance to see its flowers. Actually the intricate nature of the flowers was appreciated on zooming the macro. Is it Chamaesyce hypericifolia. I could find Dinesh Valke's photo on Flickr matching this one.
Dr Satish Phadke

Dr Satish Phadke


Giby Kuriakose

19 Sept 2011, 12:09:18 pm19/09/11
to Satish Phadke, indiantreepix Indian
Yes this is Euphorbia hypericifolia  and Chamaesyce hypericifolia is a synonym now, according to the plant list


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J.M. Garg

22 Nov 2013, 5:48:51 am22/11/13
to efloraofindia, satish pardeshi, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Nambiyath Balakrishnan, Giby Kuriakose
A reply from another thread:
"This seems to be Euphorbia indica Lam. with cyathia clustered in axillary peduncles. In E. erythroclada, the cyathia are solitary of paired in axils, never in clusters as here. The leaves are pale greenish silvery white beneath in E. erythroclada, but the lower surface of leaves are not visible in the photo.
N. P. Balakrishnan, 11 Nov. 2013"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satish Phadke <>
Date: 3 January 2010 23:36
Subject: [indiantreepix:25939] Euphorbia species for ID 3/01/2010
To: indiantreepix Indian <>

This is a tiny herb.
Must be very common. Got a chance to see its flowers. Actually the intricate nature of the flowers was appreciated on zooming the macro. Is it Chamaesyce hypericifolia. I could find Dinesh Valke's photo on Flickr matching this one.
Dr Satish Phadke


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'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
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Also author of 'A Photoguide to the Birds of Kolkata & Common Birds of India'. 

Nambiyath Balakrishnan

22 Nov 2013, 7:43:49 am22/11/13
to J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, satish pardeshi, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Giby Kuriakose
After seeing the currently uploaded photos, I find that this species should be Euphorbia hypericifolia L., where the leaves are longer than in E. indica. Further the limbs of glands are pinkish white and the cyathia clusters are subtended by smaller leaves, which is not found in E. indica.
N.P.Balakrishnan, 22 Nov. 2013

Satish Phadke

26 Nov 2013, 10:15:49 am26/11/13
to Nambiyath Balakrishnan, J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, satish pardeshi, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Giby Kuriakose
I find that there are two IDs both given by Balakrishnan ji
Garg ji hope this is not a mix up.

Dr Satish Phadke

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Nambiyath Balakrishnan

26 Nov 2013, 11:34:01 am26/11/13
to Satish Phadke, J.M. Garg, efloraofindia, satish pardeshi, satish phadke, Dinesh Valke, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Balkar Arya, Vijayadas D, Giby Kuriakose
To remove the contradiction in the identifications, I once again reiterate that my identification that this species is Euphorbia hypericifolia (syn.: Chamaesyce hypericifolia) is the correct identification. The earlier identification that it is E. indica is not correct.
N. P. Balakrishnan, 26 Nov. 2013
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