On Jan 3, 11:06 pm, Satish Phadke <phadke.sat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a tiny herb.
> Must be very common. Got a chance to see its flowers. Actually the intricate
> nature of the flowers was appreciated on zooming the macro. Is it *Chamaesyce
> hypericifolia. *I could find Dinesh Valke's photo on Flickr matching this
> one.*
> *Dr Satish Phadke*
> *
> DSCN4636s.jpg
> 107KViewDownload
> DSCN4649s.jpg
> 102KViewDownload
> DSCN4648s.jpg
> 106KViewDownload
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Earlier relevant feedback:
“This is herb with erect stem, leaves opposite and with stipules.
Involucres on axillary pedunculate cymes. I have identified this as
Euphorbia zornioides. Pls validate. Regards, Shrikant Ingalhalikar”
“Shrikant ji, could it be Chamaesyce hypericifolia (C. glomerifera, Euphorbia glomerifera, E. hypericifolia).
But not sure of difference between C. hypericifolia and Euphorbia zornioides ... ” from Dinesh ji.
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Forwarding again for Id confirmation or otherwise pl.
Earlier relevant feedback:
“This is herb with erect stem, leaves opposite and with stipules.
Involucres on axillary pedunculate cymes. I have identified this as
Euphorbia zornioides. Pls validate. Regards, Shrikant Ingalhalikar”
“Shrikant ji, could it be Chamaesyce hypericifolia (C. glomerifera, Euphorbia glomerifera, E. hypericifolia).
But not sure of difference between C. hypericifolia and Euphorbia zornioides ... ” from Dinesh ji.
“Euphorbia hirta ?” from Vijayadas ji.
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