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Canthium species for ID

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Satish Phadke

Mar 27, 2011, 12:39:08 PM3/27/11
to indiantreepix, Shrikant Ingalhalikar
A medium sized tree.
Leaves opposite coriaceous.Ovate elliptic.
All flowers were dried. One can be observed in the photo.nearly 1cm or so.
Fruits green maturing to black.
This was IDed as some Canthium species by Shrikant ji.
I haven't seen any Canthium species so far.
Dr Phadke Satish


Mar 27, 2011, 12:45:00 PM3/27/11
to Satish Phadke, indiantreepix, Shrikant Ingalhalikar
Psydrax diococcus (= C.umbellatum), I think.

Sent from my iPhone

Prashant awale

Mar 27, 2011, 12:52:52 PM3/27/11
to Satish Phadke, indiantreepix, Shrikant Ingalhalikar
Dear Satish ji,
I think this could be Meyna sp.

Canthium angustifolium has some what similar looking flowers but the fruits are 2 - lobed and its a climber. The one posted by you is a tree.


Gurcharan Singh

Apr 23, 2011, 12:26:20 AM4/23/11
to efloraofindia, Satish Phadke, Vijayasankar Raman, Prashant awale, Dinesh Valke
Resurfacing again for ID

Earlier feedback

Phadke ji.....................................................This was IDed as some Canthium species by Shrikant ji.

Vijayasankar ji.............................................Psydrax diococcus (= C.umbellatum), I think.

Prashant ji..................................................I think this could be Meyna sp. Canthium angustifolium has some what similar looking flowers but the fruits are 2 - lobed and its a climber. The one posted by you is a tree.
Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089



Apr 23, 2011, 2:42:43 AM4/23/11
to Gurcharan Singh, efloraofindia, Satish Phadke, Vijayasankar Raman, Prashant awale, Dinesh Valke
Psydrax umbellata (Wight) Bridson is an correct name for
Canthium dicoccum var. umbellatum (Wight) Santapau & Merchant
Canthium umbellatum Wight
Canthium umbellulatum Korth.
Plectronia didyma var. umbellata (Wight) Gamble
Plectronia korthalsii K.Schum.
Plectronia umbellata (Wight) K.Schum.

On 4/23/11, Gurcharan Singh <> wrote:
> Resurfacing again for ID
> Earlier feedback
> Phadke ji.....................................................This was IDed
> as some Canthium species by Shrikant ji.
> Vijayasankar ji.............................................Psydrax
> diococcus (= C.umbellatum), I think.
> Prashant ji..................................................I think this

> could be Meyna* *sp. Canthium angustifolium has some what similar looking

> flowers but the fruits are 2 - lobed and its a climber. The one posted by
> you is a tree.
> .....
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Satish Phadke <>
> Date: Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:09 PM
> Subject: [efloraofindia:65823] Canthium species for ID
> To: indiantreepix <>
> Cc: Shrikant Ingalhalikar <>
> A medium sized tree.
> Leaves opposite coriaceous.Ovate elliptic.
> All flowers were dried. One can be observed in the photo.nearly 1cm or so.
> Fruits green maturing to black.
> This was IDed as some Canthium species by Shrikant ji.
> I haven't seen any Canthium species so far.
> Dr Phadke Satish
> --
> Dr. Gurcharan Singh
> Retired Associate Professor
> SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
> Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
> Phone: 011-25518297 Mob: 9810359089

- H.S.

A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of

Gurcharan Singh

May 17, 2011, 10:30:52 AM5/17/11
to efloraofindia, Satish Phadke, Vijayasankar Raman, Pravin Kawale, H S
Resurfacing again for ID

Earlier feedback

Phadke ji.....................................................This was IDed as some Canthium species by Shrikant ji.

Vijayasankar ji.............................................Psydrax diococcus (= C.umbellatum), I think.

Prashant ji..................................................I think this could be Meyna sp. Canthium angustifolium has some what similar looking flowers but the fruits are 2 - lobed and its a climber. The one posted by you is a tree.

H S........................................................
Psydrax umbellata (Wight) Bridson is an correct name for
Canthium dicoccum var. umbellatum (Wight) Santapau & Merchant
Canthium umbellatum Wight
Canthium umbellulatum Korth.
Plectronia didyma var. umbellata (Wight) Gamble
Plectronia korthalsii K.Schum.
Plectronia umbellata (Wight) K.Schum.

Me.(now)...............................................According to Kew Plant List P. dicoccos Gaertn. and P. umbellata (Wight) Bridson (syn: P. Canthium dicoccum var. umbellatum (Wight) Santapau & Merchant) are two distinct species. It would be intersting to know which taxon the above plant represents.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Satish Phadke <>
Date: Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:09 PM
Subject: [efloraofindia:65823] Canthium species for ID
To: indiantreepix <>
Cc: Shrikant Ingalhalikar <>



May 17, 2011, 12:10:50 PM5/17/11
to Gurcharan Singh, efloraofindia, Satish Phadke, Pravin Kawale, H S
The var. umbellatum seems to have prominent peduncle as in:
So the posted picture could be of the typical var. of Psydrax diococcos Gaertn. (diococcos is said to be the correct spelling! Ref.: Bridson in Kew Bull. 40: 687. 1985.)
Syn.: Canthium dicoccum (Gaertn.) Merr.
Tamil names: Koraa ªè£ó£ , Seeppu koraa ê¦ð¢¹ ªè£ó£
Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi

JM Garg

Aug 15, 2022, 6:28:52 AM8/15/22
to Satish Phadke, efloraofindia
This appears to be Psydrax umbellatus (Wight) Bridson as flowers umbellate on a short very stout compressed peduncle as per IBIS Flora (Flora of British India) vis a vis cymes compressed shortly peduncled for Canthium didymum C.F.Gaertn. (syn. of Psydrax dicoccos var. dicoccos as per POWO) as per IBIS Flora (Flora of British India).  

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 10:09:08 PM UTC+5:30
Subject: Canthium species for ID
To: indiantreepix <>
Cc: Shrikant Ingalhalikar <>

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