Great work
Dear Vijayshankarji
Nice reading the discussion.
Few more points to add
1. How can we say that the new sps identifiedin Africa is not having relevance in Indian Context? Isnt it the world biodiversity we have to consider? In evolutionary links dont we take the geographical distribtion into consideration and try to give the evlutionay significance?Can we name differently the sps discovered in India than the same discovered in Africa? then we are not following the rules of Binomial nomenclature.
For this the taxanomist in India must know the sps existing not only in Africa but in entire world. Then only new sps can be claimed.
2. As what mentioned International publications are having weightage not only to get jobs but to maintain jobs also. Even UGC has given different marks for International journal publications and Indian Journal publications in the new payscale, NAAC experts when visit college for accreditation look into these details too.
3. All the other difficulties faced by all who have written are true but in addition when we think of getting a copy of the paper Forien authors respond promptly to our mails or letters and many a times send the copy of their papers free, Indian many of the athors dont access mails, or dont respond to mails neither posts. So unless the journal is available online the publication remains hidden.
4. Many a time in Indian journals not only the one related taxanomy but other too. the journals are not peer reviewd. So the quality of journals also matters.
Not that i have published many papers in International journals but when my students or colleuges send their papers these are the difficulties we face, If the paper is lying in one of the journals office for years togather and if someone else publish the paper on the same line who gets the credit?
Tese are my few thoughts, No way i want to give higher credits to International publications but we have to improve,
-- On Thu, 16/6/11, Vijayasankar <> wrote:
--- On Thu, 16/6/11, Dr Pankaj Kumar <> wrote:
> From: Dr Pankaj Kumar <>
> Subject: [efloraofindia:71840] Re: TWO NEW SPECIES OF ERIOCAULON (ERIOCAULACEAE) FROM INDIA......!!!
> To: "efloraofindia" <>
> Date: Thursday, 16 June, 2011, 6:55 PM
> Dear Manu
> You can upload the paper here.
> Respected Madhuri mam,
> I am against giving points to articles from international
> journals.
> Marks should be given on the quality of the paper, language
> and the
> effort put in for the results. When I described my first
> new species
> of Orchids, it took me 3 years nearly to confirm the genus
> because
> flowers were too small and then I put in more effort to add
> as much
> information as I can and then I sent it to Kew Bulletin.
> The best
> thing is, when you send to these journals of high repute,
> these are
> instantaneously catalogued at Kew and the checklist.
> Another example, I know of some people, who send there
> mediocre
> articles to international journals, they get rejected and
> then publish
> it in a very mediocre indian journal.
> There is totally lack of confidence on the thing presented
> in the
> papers in both cases. Many such indian journals are now a
> days very
> badly misused for publications of irrelevant informations
> which no one
> can stop.
> I still say I am not against Indian journals, I just prefer
> them to be
> properly reviewed and properly published on time. They need
> to have a
> good panel of reviewers and not just the names. I know of
> journals who
> put names of international reviewers who actually never
> review any
> papers for them.
> Pankaj
> On Jun 16, 4:40 pm, Gurcharan Singh <>
> > Phone: 011-25518297 Mob: 9810359089
> >
> > On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Madhuri Pejaver
> <>wrote:
> > > -- On *Thu, 16/6/11, Vijayasankar <>*
> wrote:
> > > On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:52 PM, H S <>
> wrote:
> >
> > > really good and needed discussion..
> >
> > > Vijay ji, Ritesh ji and Manudev ji thanx for your
> inputs....
> >
> > > regards,
> >
> > > On 6/16/11, manudev madhavan <<>>
> > > > For those who need the reprints of the
> paper, please drop me a mail..
> > > > Am out of station now. Will be sending the
> reprint soon, when I am back
> > > to
> > > > my lab.
> >
> > > > with warm regards
> >
> > > > On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 7:06 AM, Ritesh
> Choudhary <<>
> > 330.gif
> > < 1KViewDownload
Pankaj Kumar Ph.D. (Orchidaceae)
Research Associate
Greater Kailash Sacred Landscape Project
Department of Habitat Ecology
Wildlife Institute of India
Post Box # 18
Dehradun - 248001, India
--- On Thu, 16/6/11, Pankaj Kumar <> wrote:
Dear Vijayshankar ji
you have opened the topic from my heart.
I had already visualised Dr. Gurucharan ji as chief editor. He has to select his team of peers. And just nstart it.
I think that will be the greatest tribute to EFLORA and Gargji on the 4th anniversary of eflora.
three cheers for the idea.
Madhuri |