Poaceae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae Week :: Poaceae : Saccharum spontaneum from Panipat for validation- NS 29

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Nidhan Singh

Apr 7, 2013, 9:53:19 AM4/7/13
to indiantreepix
Dear All,

This was shot from Panipat district, growing along a seasonal water body..I am not sure if this is Saccharum spontaneum L. or Saccharum bengalense Retz.


Dr. Nidhan Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Botany
I.B. (PG) College
Panipat-132103 Haryana
Ph.: 09416371227
Saccharum sp. 1 Pnp (1).JPG
Saccharum sp. 1 Pnp (2).JPG
Saccharum sp. 1 Pnp (3).JPG
Saccharum sp. 1 Pnp (4).JPG

manoj chandran

Apr 8, 2013, 12:31:16 PM4/8/13
to indian...@googlegroups.com
The first one (Saccharum sp. 1 Pnp(1).JPG) is Saccharum bengalense. The others are S.spontaneum.

Nidhan Singh

Apr 8, 2013, 8:37:07 PM4/8/13
to manoj chandran, indiantreepix
Thanks Manoj Ji for distinction and this help..

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