Wow !! This group is a treasure trove !
I never knew D. regia wasn't "krishna chura", "radha chura" are less common sight in Bengal at least
where I spent my youth. It seems neither D. regia nor C. pulcherrima are native to the subcontinent !
Where did they turn up from ? Did the Portuguese bring it from the Americas (directly or via the Brits)?
Any one have any light to shed?
I am becoming interested in native plant reforestation, having recently read about the work of Mr. Jadav
"Molai" Payeng (in Assam), and the work of Prof. Akira Miyawaki (in Japan). Having completed soil science
doctorate I find I know next to nothing of what is native vegetation of my motherland ! At least I am fortunate
to have gotten to hear of this group and Mr. Garg's awesome initiative !
Sorry for activating an old thread, the sins of a newbie, I guess !
Happy planting everyone !