Fwd: Bodoland Knowledge Fevtival_23

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J.M. Garg

Feb 1, 2023, 11:38:10 AM2/1/23
to efloraofindia

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Sanjib Baruah <sanjib...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 at 21:14
Subject: Bodoland Knowledge Fevtival_23
To: Namita Nath <nathn...@gauhati.ac.in>, J.M. Garg <jmg...@gmail.com>, Dinesh Agrawal <drd...@gmail.com>, Himu Roy <mr.hi...@yahoo.com>, <raisc...@gmail.com>, <pramo...@niperguwahati.ac.in>

Greetings from Bodoland University!!!

Dear Sir/Madam,

It gives me immense pleasure to inform you all that the Bodoland University along with other higher education institutions of Bodoland with support from the Government of Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) is set to organize the Bodoland International Knowledge Festival (February 27- March 2, 2023) at Kokrajhar in Assam- also considered as the City of Peace. The goal of the knowledge festival is to create, foster and promote knowledge exchange, solution sharing and partnership building for achievement of social development priorities and key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 in contemporary BTR and the world. It aims to draw from the best practices from across the world to enhance scientific temperament for creation of “Peaceful, Green and Smart Bodoland” in the light of the Bodo Peace Accord 2020. It seeks to provide a platform for thought leaders, educators, researchers, and practitioners to engage with constituents of Higher Education Institutions in BTR through participation in interactive and collaborative workshops, discussions, and presentations. It will provide avenues for participants to learn the latest perspectives and trends on a given domain of knowledge, methodology and practice pertaining to the SDGs, and will also offer opportunities for networking and developing collaborative initiatives for the future. A plethora of sessions aiming to encourage spontaneous and informal exchange of ideas and discussions for Page 2 of 14 deepening ties and partnerships will be a key feature of the Bodoland International Knowledge Festival, 2023.

Kindly, see the brochure for details.  Please share and circulate among your research network!! 

NB: No cost in registration!!For selected presentations, fooding, lodging, and TA will be provided by the organizer

Thank you!!


Sanjib Baruah

Bodoland University

Sanjib Baruah
Assistant Professor (Stage -II)
Founder Head (2014-2017)
Department of Botany
Bodoland University
Rangalikhata, Deborgaon
Kokrajhar, 783379, BTR, Assam (India)

 "Plants have enough spirit to transform our limited vision”

With regards,
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