Hi Dr. Pankaj,
Maduca indica is now called Maduca longifolia var. latifolia.
Basionym: Bassia latifolia Roxb. (1795)
Other synonyms:
Madhuca latifolia (Roxb.) Macbr. (1918)
Madhuca indica J.F.Gmelin (1791)
Dr. Gurcharan is right when he says, "Principle of Priority is not
applicable at different ranks". This goes in accordance with the
Chapter II, Section 3, Article 11.2 of Vienna Code, which states, "In
no case does a name have priority outside the rank in which it is
published". Even they provide two examples:
Ex. 2. Magnolia virginiana var. foetida L. (1753) when raised to
specific rank is called M. grandiflora L. (1759), not M. foetida (L.)
Sarg. (1889).
Ex. 3. Lythrum intermedium Ledeb. (1822) when treated as a variety of
L. salicaria L. (1753) is called L. salicaria var. glabrum Ledeb. (Fl.
Ross. 2: 127. 1843), not L. salicaria var. intermedium (Ledeb.) Koehne
(in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 1: 327. 1881).
There are some confusions on Kew's checklist as they show both M.
longifolia var. longifolia and M. longifolia but they are accompanied
with different synonyms. May be I should write to R. Govaerts about
Thank you Gurcharan sir for digging into this simple yes complicated
nomenclature. I think we can start our homework on this issue to
gather more information to share with members.
On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Gurcharan Singh <sing...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear H. S.
> A simple rule of ICBN
> Principle of Priority is not applicable at different ranks.
> The said plant is considered as variety of M. longifolia and as such
> earliest trinomial at varietal level is M. longifolia var. latifolia (Roxb.)
> A. Chev., 1943. At least no varietal combination under M. longifolia was
> available up to 1943, based on M. indica Gmelin
> I hope I have been able to present true picture.
> --
> Dr. Gurcharan Singh
> Retired Associate Professor
> SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
> Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
> Phone: 011-25518297 Mob: 9810359089
> http://people.du.ac.in/~singhg45/
> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 5:14 PM, H S <hems...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sir ji
>> Madhuca indica Gmelin in 1791
>> Bassia latifolia Roxb. 1795
>> even if someone will change the rank.. it should go under var. indica not
>> latifolia
>> regards...
>> - H.S.
>> A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of
>> stone
> On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 5:14 PM, H S <hemsan.bh@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sir ji
>> Madhuca indica Gmelin in 1791
>> Bassia latifolia Roxb. 1795
>> even if someone will change the rank.. it should go under var. indica not
>> latifolia
>> regards...
>> - H.S.
>> A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of
>> stone