Date : 24.01.2013
Location: Kamrup district, Assam
Family : Cleomaceae
Genus & species : Cleome gynandra L.
Habitat: Grows wild on roadside near ditches
Habit : Erect, undershrub. Pungent smelling.
Flower : Pink to purplish, androphore and gynophore present.
With regards
Karuna Kanta Das
Guwahati 781012
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Some earlier relevant feedback:
Both of this and the white-flowered form look like Cleome speciosa (now Cleoserrata speciosa) to me. Please check.
Very nice pictures!Regards Vijayasankar Raman |
Efi site link for this species i.e. Cleome speciosa : |
Stamen colour purple in Tarenaya hassleriana & green in Cleoserrata speciosa
Stamens are inserted together in a club-like stub above the bottom in Tarenaya hassleriana, while these are inserted in the bottom in Cleoserrata speciosa.
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Dear Garg Sir
I do not agree with you Sir. After observation of my new specimen collected on 22.04.24 ( uploaded) from the same place from where I collected my earlier uploaded specimen . Observation of my newly uploaded specimen shows some diagnostic characters i.e. 1. presence of nodal spines[Image 4,5] (absent in Cleoserrata) i.e. one pair of stipular spine at the base of each petiole of the leaf and also a few spines are also found in the petiole.2. Leaflet 7 [image 2,3](5-9 in Cleoserrata) 3. Androgynophore absent[Image 6](present in Cleoserrata). 4. stamen 04, purple[Image 6]; only gynophore present[Image 6]. From this observation it is concluded that my specimen uploaded today and earlier are Cleome houtteana Schltdl.(=Tarenaya hassleriana) not Cleoserrata speciosa . So please validate.
With regard
Karuna Kanta Das
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Dear Garg Sir
According to Neto et al. (2017) Cleome speciosa Raf. (=Cleoserrata speciosa)is devoid of stipule i.e. no stipular spine(nodal spine) and possess androgynophore (file attached). But my specimen i.e. Cleome houtteana(=Tarenaya hassleriana) has stipular spine and devoid of androphore, only gynophore present. Please clarify. Moreover, Choudhury (2005) and Barooah and Ahmed (2014) mentioned five species of the genus Cleome - C. angustifolia, C. burmanii, C. gynandra, C. rutidosperma and C. viscosa from Assam. Recently there is a report of distribution of an additional species of Cleome i.e. Cleome houtteana from Assam by Das et al. (2022)[file attached). So please validate my specimen.
Karuna Kanta Das
2 (1) | Androgynophore 5-10 mm; gynophore 2-6 cm; nodal spines absent. | 2 Cleoserrata | |
+ | Androgynophore absent; gynophore 4.5-8 cm; nodal spines present (prickles often present on petiole and major leaf veins). | 3 Tarenaya |
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2 (1) | Androgynophore 5-10 mm; gynophore 2-6 cm; nodal spines absent. | 2 Cleoserrata | |
+ | Androgynophore absent; gynophore 4.5-8 cm; nodal spines present (prickles often present on petiole and major leaf veins). | 3 Tarenaya |