Beautiful Ashikaga flower park
The Japanese love flowers, and wisteria are among their favorites. Wisteria are called fuji in Japanese.
One of the best places to view fuji flowers is the Ashikaga Flower Park. Japanese Ashikaga Flower Park (Ashikaga Flower Park) is located in the city in the province of Ashikaga Tochigi on o.Honsyu. Park covers about 8, 2 hectares and is famous for various kinds of wisteria. The park features lots of Ashikaga colors blue, pink and white wisteria and yellow broom, which look like yellow wisteria.
One large fuji tree is 100 years old and its branches are supported to create a huge umbrella of blue fuji flowers. There is also a long tunnel of white fuji flowers, while a tunnel of yellow kingusari needs a few more years to become an actual tunnel.
Besides the fuji, you will find many other flowers, restaurants and a shop selling plants and local products.
