Having relook on FBI, L. cardiaca (Leaves cordate-ovate, lacerate, pubesnt beneath),is not actually recorded from India. WE have in India var. pubescens Benth. , now known as Leonurus pubescens Benth.
in N.Wallich, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 63 (1830) (leaves finely pubescent. elliptic-lanceolate, coarsely serrate found Kashmir Eastwards to Kumaon) var royleana Benth, now known as L. royleanus Benth ( leaves ovate lanceolate, rhomboid or orbicular, base rounded or cordate, pinnatifidly cut, white tomentose . found Kashmir Westwards to Sind)
This is L. pubescens
I have uploaded L. cardiaca L. from Canada and California