Vijay Barve
unread,12 Apr 2011, 1:46:33 pm12/04/11Sign in to reply to author
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to, Indiantrees,, wildflowerindia
Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to announce our
Newsletter Parthenos April 2011 issue. Visit
would like to thanks once again to Dr. Amol Patwardhan for his continued efforts
to make this with help from Ms. Rasika Joshi and Ms. Meghana
Daver. And all the contributing authors for the wonderful articles.
Highlights of this issue are:
- Red spot Duke
- Subspecies derma of Redspot Duke Dophla evelina
- Book Review - Kingfishers of the World
- ‘Monitor’ing to the success
- Enter the Dragon
- Inter dependence of birds and butterflies
- Climate change and Moths of Uttarakhand
- Indian Wildlife Protection Act III
- Wildlife Blogs
- Photo feature - Nal sarovar and Thol
- Cave Biosphere and Cavernicoles
Do go through it and let us know your comments at
Also feel free to forward this email to all interested friends and groups.
Vijay Vasant Barve