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Ms. Sheila: 1st Runner up Star Expert of May’ 2022

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J.M. Garg

Jun 2, 2022, 3:59:35 AM6/2/22
to efloraofindia, Sheila Sadd
Dear members,
Ms. Sheila is the 1st Runner up Star Expert of the last month with her 69 messages
She has helped a lot in identification along with providing critical inputs through her messages. 
She has returned to efloraofindia after a long gap. He appears to be quite strong in identification of plants particularly from the UK, although she appears to have traveled widely including in India.
My hats off to her for her wonderful efforts.
With regards,

Plantaholic Sheila.

Jun 2, 2022, 5:06:58 AM6/2/22
to eFloraofIndia

Gurcharan Singh

Jun 2, 2022, 9:02:38 AM6/2/22
to eFloraofIndia
Sheila ji, your being active has really infused a new vigour into the group. Please continue to help with your expertise.

Plantaholic Sheila.

Jun 2, 2022, 7:19:41 PM6/2/22
to eFloraofIndia
Dear sir,
Thank you.
How very kind!
I am just so embarrassed.
I feel so ignorant compared to so many others here.
But every day is a school day...I try to keep learning.

When I was younger I spent every minute creating a garden from a wilderness.....with little knowledge about plants.
It was a steep learning curve.
In 2005 I got a tiny point and shoot Canon Ixus camera.
It literally changed my life.
On my pics I was able to see details of the flowers...far more detail than with my own eyes...very slowly I learnt .

I now have a library  of 78,000 detailed plant pics on Picasa and flickr...all labelled with Latin names so I can find them.
Many are  not very pretty, they look boring.... just showing a stem show if leaves are opposite or alternate. The front and back of leaves.etc
They help jog my memory. Free for anyone to find/ to see./use

Now much older I can no longer spend 8 /10 hours a day gardening.
But I can sit at my computer and look at plants on the internet forums and  MAYBE help to id them.

Gurcharan Singh

Jun 10, 2022, 7:59:54 AM6/10/22
to eFloraofIndia
Interesting writeup, we all keep learning every day.

Gurcharan Singh

Jun 10, 2022, 8:01:48 AM6/10/22
to eFloraofIndia
Do join us on 19th to narrate your journey.
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