Greetings from Nilgiri Biosphere Nature Park, Coimbatore.
Sir first of all I wish to thank you for bringing me in to the eflora forum. Basically I am wildlife biology background (interested in plants conservation).
I am attached to this park since Sep.1992. to till date. I have been involved in ecological restoration in an extent of 70 acres with predominately WG plants. As a recognition of the efforts Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) UK, awarded a grant to establish an arboretum for the RET Plants of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (2004-2006) in collaboration with National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) Lucknow. Last two years the park has been opened for public as an interpretation center for the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.
I wish to say that sir, even if you or any of the eflora members are interested to visit our park at Anaikatti, or if they are passing through Coimbatore they are most welcome to visit the park and offer their inputs.
Thanking you,
B. Rathinasabapathy
Project Co-ordinator
Nilgiri Biosphere Nature Park
1388, Avinashi Road