OT An article in Marathi; "magic of one liter water" on World Forest Day ahead Courtsey: Lokprabha Magazine

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Geeta Rane

Mar 18, 2011, 5:01:51 AM3/18/11
to indiantreepix, sagun.bh...@gmail.com
Sharing a Link for kind perusal at your own discretion please,Lokprabha is a magazine in Marathi,
Information courtsey: Lokprabha Magazine
Here the author has explained with diagram  a magic of  ONE LITER water using; used plastic bottles, a method of watering trees with a success story of the project at Gharya Ghat in Maharashtra.
Thanks  and Hearty Congrats to Mr Sagun Bhadkamkar, an
Author of aritcle; Email ID: <sagun.bh...@gmail.com> -copy marked for your information please.
Few months back; we had tried used saline bottles for our garden pots; (YES hanging them in a similar way they are hanged beside the patient's bed), but had to remove them 'coz of Squirrels'; since we are staying at 3rd floor. This is for your information please,
Sorry for the inconveniences,
With Regards,
geeta rane

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