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An arctic chemical waste poison river and birds, trees, butterflies...

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Sanjeev Saikia

Jan 19, 2011, 3:42:26 AM1/19/11
to IndianTree Pix, Delhibird Yahoogroups,, wildlife india

Three new posts, with many trees, birds, a few buterflies and arctic ice on the Yamuna. Any help in correcting the id of trees and birds will be wonderful. The butterflies, buried 75 pics deep in the 'Birds, trees and butterflies...' post, will have to be identified by one of you please.

Do have a look, you might find something interesting somewhere:

Birds, trees and butterflies at the Yamuna Biodiversity Park! - A Photo Walk. -

Arctic chemical waste dead poison river drain Yamuna - A Photo Walk! - 
How to reach Yamuna Biodiversity Park - with photos, landmarks and contact number! - 

Warm regards,

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