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Flora of Sahyadri & Konkan -Rhamphicarpa Longiflora

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Rajesh Sachdev

Aug 5, 2011, 6:52:07 AM8/5/11
to efloraindia, wildflowerindia, india-nature-pixs
Name of Species: Rhamphicarpa Longiflora
Common Name: Tutari
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Conservation status: NA
Photographed: 8th September, 2010
Location: Kas Platue, Western Ghats, Maharashtra
Habitat Type : High Elevation Moist Grassland
Lens: OLYMPUS ED LENS AF ZOOM 4.6 - 92 mm, 1:2.8 - 4.6
Abundence: Known to be occasional in subjected region


Aug 5, 2011, 8:24:01 AM8/5/11
to efloraofindia
If I am right the leaves of this species is very narrow and grows on
thin layer of soil on rocks along with Utricularia spp Drocera spp and
all. This plant is active with flowers only during rainy season and
getting such nice pictures in the rain is great effort!

New name of this plant is Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth. of
Scrophulariaceae family.

If you could upload a picture of plant with leaves would be useful to
understand more about the plant, for people who are new to such kind
of plants.

Thanks and Regards,
>  Kas-2.JPG
> 51KViewDownload

Rajesh Sachdev

Aug 5, 2011, 8:26:44 AM8/5/11
to efloraindia
I would get more pics this season and would share it on.
Rajesh Sachdev

Neil Soares

Aug 5, 2011, 9:15:38 AM8/5/11
to efloraofindia, Smilax004
  Photographed last weekend. As Dr.Giby has pointed out flowering generally occurs on rocky areas [which have a thin layer of soil] between July and September .
       Sending a few photographs.
                          With regards,
                            Neil Soares.

--- On Fri, 8/5/11, Smilax004 <> wrote:
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 1.jpg
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 2.jpg
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 3.jpg
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 4.jpg
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 5.jpg
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 6.jpg
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 7.jpg
Rhamphicarpa longiflora 8.jpg

Satish Phadke

Aug 5, 2011, 11:18:06 AM8/5/11
to Rajesh Sachdev, efloraindia, wildflowerindia, india-nature-pixs
I agree. It is difficult to catch these.
Adding some pictures clicked by me in earlier seasons (Near Pune)
Leaves are visible in one of the pictures.
Satish Phadke
Rhamphicarpa longiflora.jpg

Giby Kuriakose

Aug 5, 2011, 11:55:05 AM8/5/11
to Neil Soares, efloraofindia
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing Neil ji, I would like to add laterite rocks......

I haven't got a chance to get the pictures after I got a camera. I have seen this species long back during September 2003 in Kudremukh National Park. 

Again I have seen the flower of this species active in the night when we had gone for some night sampling (I was working with an IISc team who work on Orthopterean insects (crickets)). Those were fantastic opportunity for me to learn not only noctornal flowers but also noctornal insects as well. 

Thanks and regards,

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE),
Royal Enclave,
Jakkur Post, Srirampura
Bangalore- 560064
Phone - +91 9448714856 (Mobile)
visit my pictures @


Aug 5, 2011, 12:10:12 PM8/5/11
to Rajesh Sachdev, indiantreepix, satish phadke
I would like to add one more point that this species is a root
parasite on grasses!


On Aug 5, 3:52 pm, Rajesh Sachdev <> wrote:

>  Kas-2.JPG
> 51KViewDownload

Madhuri Pejaver

Aug 5, 2011, 3:28:04 PM8/5/11
to Rajesh Sachdev, Satish Phadke, efloraindia, wildflowerindia, india-nature-pixs
Are these night/evening flowering? Because most of the time when i have seen these flowers they are closed,

--- On Fri, 5/8/11, Satish Phadke <> wrote:

Madhuri Pejaver

Aug 5, 2011, 3:44:50 PM8/5/11
to efloraofindia, Smilax004, Neil Soares
As asked to Satishji do these flowers open in evening/night? because mostly in morning have seen them closed, druping.

--- On Fri, 5/8/11, Neil Soares <> wrote:

Neil Soares

Aug 6, 2011, 3:02:09 AM8/6/11
to Giby Kuriakose, efloraofindia
Hi Dr. Giby,
  The rocks are basaltic rocks. Also checked with a friend who is a Geologist and has visited my farm often.
                             Neil Soares

--- On Fri, 8/5/11, Giby Kuriakose <> wrote:

Satish Phadke

Aug 6, 2011, 4:34:53 AM8/6/11
to Madhuri Pejaver, efloraofindia, Smilax004, Neil Soares
Yes Madhuri ji
You are perfectly right. I think we must have discussed this earlier.
Some factor of humidity might also be important. The flowers are often seen open in humid dull atmosphere with less sunlight. whereas in bright sunny daytime open flowers are seldom seen.I doubt whether I am guessing or anyone wants to share experience about this?

Aug 6, 2011, 4:56:28 AM8/6/11
to Satish Phadke, Efloraindia, Smilax004, Neil Soares
Thanks Satishji. On this new site where Hariyali has taken plantation activity conditions are similar to kas. Except it is lowline place and hillocks are comparitively smaller. We see many flowers similar to Kas. On this land we can see pleny of these Tutaries ( Ramphicarpa- is it sophubia or something similar?). We are trying to see whether we can see some Utricularia or Drossera. But not yet seen.
I have seen this Ramphicarpa inplenty on the platue of Velneshwar near Guhagar. There we can see Droserra as well as Utricularia sps.
But both these places-- one is low line other is at height, I have seen them closed and druping in morning hours.
Thank you._

Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

From: Satish Phadke <>
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 14:04:53 +0530
To: Madhuri Pejaver<>
Cc: efloraofindia<>; Smilax004<>; Neil Soares<>
Subject: Re: [efloraofindia:76216] Re: Flora of Sahyadri & Konkan -Rhamphicarpa Longiflora
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