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Malvaceae week 0905-9112011 UD 011 Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon Small tree

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ushadi Micromini

Sep 8, 2011, 2:52:27 AM9/8/11
to efloraofindia

Malvaceae week 0905-9112011 UD 011 Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon  Small tree


Dear All: 


1: Unlike the tropical Hibiscus  this Rose of Sharon  grows in the cold freezing winters, tolerated snow that hangs around for 2- 3 months, sometimes longer…    grows into a small tree, over 20 to 30 years  that I have  seen … may be longer…


2:  This is  a biblical tree:  Song of Solomon 2:1 of Old Testament

“ I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.”

The valley being in the modern  middle eastern regions…


3:      Many years ago  I saw an exhibit of botanical drawings of  these flowers of the garden of  Chateau de Malmaison, Josephine’s gardens… the drawings were by Pierre Joseph Redouté  … the delicacy of the colors he chose has stayed with me…  during the same week I also saw a real life  Rose of Sharon tree and its white flowers…  Redouté ‘s Rose of  Sharon  and real live Rose of Sharon…   sort of merged…    and so I was very surprised to see deep pink and violet flowers… couldn’t believe it… reference books told me it was ok to have these colors…



Familia: Malvaceae

Subfamilia: Malvoideae

Tribus: Hibisceae

Genus: Hibiscus

Species:   Hibiscus syriacus

These trees were planted about 20 years ago,   in a valley  70 miles north of NY… in a peaceful meadow … judge for yourself in fig 1 …  These is white flowered tree  and other  has deep pink flowers that change to magenta to violet as they age and close…

I have never seen fruits on these trees… overall height is about 10 feet now, but the gardener had lopped off the tops several times during the summer… if he had not , no telling how tall they would have become…

The last picture is  white Rose of Sharon I photographed thru the windshield  while waiting to turn into the street … that tree is also about 15-18 year old, and lopped off several times….




Usha di

Hibiscus syriacus 1 Rose of Sharon NY AAFF08 001 sm crp.jpg
Hibiscus syriacus 2 Rose of Sharon NY AAFF08 018 sm crp.jpg
Hibiscus syriacus 3 Rose of Sharon NY AAFF08 008 sm crp.jpg
Hibiscus syriacus 4 Rose of Sharon NY AAFF08 009 sm .jpg
Hibiscus syriacus 5 Rose of Sharon NY AAFF08 011 sm .jpg
Hibiscus syriacus 10 year old woody shrub white flowerd NY 004.jpg

Balkar Arya

Sep 8, 2011, 9:37:11 AM9/8/11
to ushadi Micromini, efloraofindia
Nice Representation Ushadi Ji

Dr Balkar Singh
Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
Arya P G College, Panipat
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